The Most Important Vitamins and Minerals for Testosterone Production

vitamins, minerals, and herbs for testosterone

Natural Testosterone Boosters – Vitamins, Minerals & Herbs…

There is an incredibly powerful testosterone booster probably in your house right now.

Your particular performance enhancer/testosterone booster may vary but chances are it’s soft and juicer and fairly delicious. Unfortunately, very few people get as much of it as they would need to see the truly amazing benefits.

So what is it?

Of course, it’s fruit and vegetables. Both of these are packed with vitamins and minerals which boost and support natural testosterone production.

Fruit and veggies can also enhance your immune system, strength, focus, and mitochondrial function. If you are at all interested in increasing your strength and size then you absolutely must start getting enough fruit and vegetables.

Specifically, there are a number of crucial ingredients here that make all the difference.

To demonstrate just how potent a simple piece of fruit or vegetable can be, read the various, natural testosterone-boosting substances below…


6 Vitamins & Minerals Help to Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally

Vitamin and mineral deficiency can be one of the major reasons why your body is responding to your ways to boost testosterone. Adding to it, these deficiencies could also accelerate the natural testosterone production decline.

Some of the top vitamins and minerals that can help boost the primary male hormones are:

#1. Zinc

Zinc is a popular component of many testosterone-boosting supplements and for good reason. In a study, it was shown that zinc supplementation for 3-6 months could significantly increase testosterone in healthy adults.

In a different study, it was seen that a zinc deficiency could lead to a 50% decrease in tests! And guess what? Tons of people are deficient.


#2. Magnesium

Magnesium is also popularly found in testosterone boosters and the combination of zinc + magnesium is often referred to as ZMA. In one study, it was found that men who took 750mg of magnesium every day could raise their testosterone by 26%!


#3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C, AKA ascorbic acid is everywhere in our food. It’s a powerful antioxidant, making it great for fighting cancer and boosting the immune system, but it’s also crucial for lowering cortisol levels and blunting their effect. This is key because cortisol production decreases when you have high cortisol levels.


#4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is not a conventional vitamin. It doesn’t usually come from our food but rather is created in the body as a response to sunlight exposure (though it is in some fortified eggs).

What’s more, it doesn’t act as a vitamin but rather as a hormone and specifically a regulator of hormones – like testosterone. Get more sunlight, supplement, or eat lots of eggs.


#5. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a crucial component of your B-complex vitamins. It has many roles in the body, including the regulation of testosterone production.

In fact, it regulates all androgens and also stimulates androgen receptors to enhance the effectiveness of testosterone.


#6. Tryptophan

Tryptophan is a nutrient found in lots of foods, including turkey and eggs. It is also a chemical precursor to serotonin – the feel-good hormone.

Serotonin can help to combat cortisol and it can also be converted into melatonin to encourage a better night’s sleep leading to greater testosterone production during the night.


Herbs to Boost Testosterone

After vitamins and minerals, herbs are also one of the best sources to raise testosterone levels.

The traditional ways to boost T-levels include consuming herbs that are proven to uplift the primary male hormones.

However, while these herbs are highly effective and natural, it is crucial to keep in mind the dosage for effective results without any side effects.

Here’s a list of the top 5 herbs to boost testosterone.


#1. Ashwagandha

It is one of the most commonly used herbs to raise testosterone levels. Ashwagandha is also part of many leading t-boosting supplements with effective results.

This adaptogenic herb increases the DHEA and stimulates luteinizing hormone production. By increasing the primary male sex hormone, ashwagandha also improves sperm count and health. The daily consumption of 250 mg to 1000 mg of Ashwagandha boosts testosterone.

As per the American Journal of Men’s Health, supplementing overweight men with ashwagandha for 8 weeks is associated with increased levels of DHEA-S and testosterone.


#2. Saw Palmetto

Another frequently used herb for boosting testosterone production is Saw Palmetto. It is popularly known to have a positive effect on libido, testosterone, and sperm production.

Saw Palmetto works by blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT. This way it increases the level of free testosterone levels.

As per the reports of BMC Urology, treatment with Saw palmetto oil containing 3% β-sitosterol, showed a significant increment in the serum testosterone levels.

Nonetheless, consuming excess of this herb can cause nausea and dizziness. Therefore, it is recommended to consume around 300 mg and 1,000 mg of saw palmetto for safer results.


#3. Fenugreek

A popular and everyday spice or herb of the Asian kitchen, fenugreek can do more than just add flavor to the dishes.

This herb can boost testosterone levels dramatically, which is why it’s among the common testosterone-boosting ingredients of the famous testosterone boosters in the market.

A saponin called Protodioscin is present in fenugreek which is said to help with testosterone production. There are a lot of research studies and reports to prove that fenugreek boosts testosterone for real.

Numerous reports from clinical trials suggest that fenugreek extract supplementation affects serum testosterone levels.


#4. Tribulus Terrestris

One of the best natural testosterone boosters, Tribulus Terrestris is a tropical herb used to augment testosterone production, improve sperm health, and promote libido and vitality in men.

As per the report found, these testosterone-boosting herbs contain an active compound called protodioscin.

This compound increases the stimulation of the luteinizing hormone and regulates the release of testosterone. It also prevents testosterone breakdown by inhibiting the 5-alpha reductase enzyme.


#5. Ginger

This antioxidant herb might be your go-to option for improving immunity. However, using ginger in your diet can also be fruitful in boosting the primary male hormone.

As per the reports published in the biomolecules Journals, ginger increases testosterone production.

It does so by reducing oxidative stress, regulating blood glucose levels, improving blood flow, and increasing nitric oxide.

Consume it via tea, lemonade, or curry to give your testosterone levels a much-needed boost.

These herbs are easily available and can be used in the specified dosages only, to recover from declining testosterone levels.

However, it is to be noted that consuming these herbs, vitamins, and minerals, separately can take more time and is so much of a hassle.

Instead, you can try some of the best testosterone boosting with natural ingredients in the specified dosages. One such supplement is CrazyBulk TESTOL 140.


What Is CrazyBulk TESTOL 140?

crazybulk TESTOL 140

Testol 140 by CrazyBulk is one of the supplements people take to revamp their fitness regime.

CrazyBulk TESTOL 140 is the legal, natural, and safer alternative to the popular SARM Testolone RAD 140.

As the manufacturers claim, the supplement boosts testosterone levels, helps with bulking, and also assists in carving a lean physique by burning fats.

It showcases the same results as Testolone RAD 140 however, it doesn’t have any reported side effects.

CrazyBulk Testol 140 (legal Testolone RAD 140 alternative) works by boosting protein synthesis, burning fat, and firing the metabolism to help with developing the desired physique.

When it comes to boosting testosterone, Testol RAD 140 includes ingredients like magnesium, Zinc, ashwagandha, vitamin B6, and D that are proven to have an impact on testosterone levels.

The CrazyBulk Testol reviews suggest that the user’s experience matches the claims of the manufacturers.

You can buy Testol RAD 140 from its official website directly at a discounted rate. You also get fast and free shipping along with a money-back guarantee.

CrazyBulk is a popular health supplement brand and probably one of the most trusted places to buy legal and safe alternatives to your favorite steroids and SARMs.

Buy Testol 140

As men reach their 30s, their natural testosterone production declines. Vitamins and minerals deficiency can accelerate the process and give rise to early symptoms of testosterone decline.

Supplementing with vitamins and minerals or using testosterone-boosting herbs can help with maintaining and even improving the primary male hormone levels.

Moreover, since these natural ways require little extra effort and need to be consumed in the right amount, one can also go for pills with natural ingredients that assist in uplifting the t-levels.

So, what is your pick to skyrocket the dripping t-levels?

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