Can Low Testosterone Cause Fatigue: How to Improve T- Levels?

can lack of testosterone make you tired

If you have ever noticed, it’s common among men to feel tired after the age of 40.

Well, there are a lot of reasons behind this; however, one of the most prominent ones that experts suggest is low testosterone.

Low testosterone levels can have a significant impact on men’s health and overall well-being. It is primarily associated with male traits and is thus a more crucial hormone than any for males.

Nonetheless, the impact of low testosterone on tiredness and lethargy is widely researched and in fact, fatigue is a common symptom associated with low testosterone.

So today in this blog, we’ll delve deeper to find out more about whether can lack of testosterone make you tired along with how it actually happens.


Key Insights

  • Low testosterone levels can have a significant impact on the overall health and wellness of men including their energy levels.
  • Research suggests low testosterone can affect the metabolism, sleep, and mood and thus lead to tired and sluggish feelings.
  • It is not tough to reverse the symptoms of low t. One can increase testosterone production through medical practices like TRT and testosterone pills or by improving their lifestyle to an extent.


Can Lack of Testosterone Make You Tired?

Answering it straight away, yes, lack of testosterone can make you tired.

Since the testosterone hormone has a primary role in a lot of bodily functions, the lack of this hormone has a significant contribution to the feeling of fatigue.

Low testosterone levels have an impact on the overall energy levels which then leads to the feeling of tiredness.

This is in fact a common symptom among older men because of the age-related decline in testosterone levels.

Testosterone levels drop by 1.6% each year and this is why around 20% of men in their 60s, 30% in their 70s, and 40% in their 80s complain about symptoms of low T among which the constant feeling of tiredness is common.

So, what is a dangerously low testosterone level?

Typically, 300 ng/dL (nanograms) is considered low testosterone, and below this is a dangerously low level of testosterone.

The constant feeling of fatigue affects everything from time spent with family, doing exercise, mobility, and in fact mental health.

In a lot of cases treating with testosterone has shown a positive impact on tiredness, which signals that a lack of testosterone can make you tired. Here are some of the research and findings to prove the same.


Study #1. 

A study published in the Journal of Pain and Symptoms Management showed the effect of Testosterone Replacement for Fatigue in Males With Advanced Cancer.

For the study, outpatients with advanced cancer were treated with Intramuscular testosterone or a sesame seed oil placebo for 14 days.

After evaluating the 14 placebo and 12 testosterone-treated patients the study concludes that testosterone replacement in hypogonadal men with advanced cancer improved fatigue.


Study #2. 

In another study, Long-term testosterone replacement therapy reduces fatigue in men with hypogonadism.

For this, the study compared men with LOH already been on TRT for >1 year to newly diagnosed men with LOH who recently started TRT (controls).

The study includes men aged >18 years with clinically diagnosed testosterone deficiency and testosterone levels of <300 ng/dL.

After the analysis, it was suggested that TRT >1 year was associated with a 14.8-point decrease in Fatigue Severity Score.

Therefore, based on the above research we can say that a lack of testosterone can make you feel tired, and its treatment can help you get rid of it.

Now before jumping on to what can you do to improve the t-levels, let’s dig a little deeper and understand why low testosterone causes tiredness.


Why Does Low Testosterone Cause Fatigue?

There are a number of reasons why low testosterone levels lead to the feeling of tiredness. However, the two major ones are its impact on the sleep cycle and its quality and the sluggish metabolism.

Testosterone influences the sleep-wake cycle and also influences metabolic rate as a result there is a feeling of tiredness and lethargy as soon as it starts to decline.

Here’s a brief explanation about how it actually happens.


#1. Affects Sleep

One of the primary reasons low testosterone contributes to fatigue is its impact on sleep quality. But how can lack of sleep lower testosterone levels?

Testosterone plays a crucial role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle, and reduced levels can lead to disturbances in this cycle.

In a study, healthy men who underwent 1 week of sleep restriction to 5 hours per night experienced a decline in testosterone levels by 10-15%.

Adding to it, sleep disorders such as insomnia or sleep apnea are commonly associated with low testosterone.

Poor sleep quality not only affects energy levels but can also give rise to hormonal imbalances, creating a vicious cycle of fatigue and hormonal disruption.


#2. Slow Metabolism

Testosterone is closely linked to metabolism, and low levels can result in a sluggish metabolic rate. This can lead to weight gain, decreased muscle mass, and increased body fat, all of which contribute to feelings of fatigue.

Additionally, a slower metabolism can impact overall energy expenditure, making individuals with low testosterone more prone to lethargy and tiredness.

In fact, a study by Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism concludes that there is a strong relationship between low testosterone levels and clinical hypogonadism and metabolic syndromes.


#3. Mood and Mental Health

If you don’t know low testosterone and mental symptoms are also related. This is why older men typically start to feel lonely and anxious.

Testosterone has a significant impact on mood and overall well-being. Low testosterone levels have symptoms such as depression and irritability, which can contribute to feelings of fatigue.

There are research studies and scientific evidence that clearly show that low testosterone levels leads to depressive disorders which is one of the reasons why those with low testosterone often feel fatigued.

It’s important to note that fatigue can have various causes, and low testosterone is just one potential factor.

What happens when a man’s testosterone is low is he starts to lose his manliness like a decline in muscles, strength, stamina, and overall performance.

Fatigue makes it even more difficult for them to get back to work out and do something to reverse the symptoms of low -t.

However, removing fatigue, and low testosterone, and increasing the natural secretion of testosterone is not impossible.


What Can You Do to Improve Testosterone Production?

Maintaining optimal testosterone levels is way more crucial than it actually sounds. Men with low testosterone who are dealing with the constant feeling of fatigue, lack of energy, and stamina can get it.

Nonetheless, improving testosterone levels is not impossible. Men do everything from testosterone replacement therapy to taking testosterone pills, and making lifestyle changes to increase the production of testosterone hormone.


#1. TRT Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is a medical intervention designed to address low testosterone levels. It involves the administration of synthetic testosterone to bring levels back within the normal range.

TRT is often for individuals with clinically low testosterone and can be administered through injections, patches, or gels.

In many studies, long-term TRT can provide relaxation from constant fatigue feeling. However, it comes with a lot of risks and is quite expensive as well.


#2. Testosterone Booster

For those looking to enhance testosterone levels naturally, testosterone boosters are a popular option.

These supplements typically contain a blend of herbs, vitamins, and minerals believed to support testosterone production.

Common ingredients include fenugreek, Tribulus terrestris, zinc, and vitamin D. Studies suggest that certain ingredients may have a positive impact on testosterone levels.

Testoprime is one of the most effective ones in the fitness market and we recommend trying it if you want safer results.

Based on Testoprime reviews and results, it is the best testosterone booster to reverse the symptoms of low-T one of which is fatigue.


#3. Enjoy Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is a cornerstone of overall health, including hormonal balance. It’s a proven fact that testosterone production occurs predominantly during deep sleep stages.

Therefore, it is essential to have a quality sleep of atleast 6-8 hours to improve testosterone production.

Create a comfortable sleep environment, maintain a consistent sleep schedule, and address any underlying sleep disorders.

Adequate restorative sleep not only supports testosterone production but also contributes to overall energy levels and well-being.


#4. Diet & Exercise

If you are wondering what causes low testosterone in young males, it is basically a lack of nutrients in the diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

A well-balanced diet and regular exercise play a pivotal role in supporting natural testosterone production.

Resistance training, such as weightlifting and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), has been shown to have a positive impact on testosterone levels.

Additionally, certain nutrients are essential for testosterone synthesis. Include foods rich in vitamin D, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and other micronutrients in your diet.

Optimize your nutrition by incorporating lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Incorporating these strategies into your lifestyle can contribute to natural testosterone optimization.

While TRT offers a medical solution for those with clinically low testosterone, lifestyle modifications are accessible to everyone.


Concluding Thoughts

It’s important to note that fatigue can have various causes, and low testosterone is just one potential factor.

Understanding the relationship between low testosterone and fatigue is essential for those seeking ways to improve their energy levels and overall well-being.

It can be one of the reasons why men irrespective of their age constantly feel tired and sluggish despite having a healthy approach towards life.

Adopting a multifaceted approach, including lifestyle changes, medical interventions like TRT under professional guidance, and natural methods such as adequate sleep and a balanced diet, can contribute to optimizing testosterone levels.

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