Are Sugary Drinks (Soda) Killing Your Testosterone Levels?

Do sugary drinks kill testosterone

Sugary drinks increasingly attaining the attention of youth due to delivering an instant surge of energy when needed. However, these sugary drinks are artificially sweetened drinks that do affect men’s health including their testosterone levels.

Several young adults and athletes seek an extra boost and alertness which can be fulfilled with just a sip of marketed sugary energy drinks.

However, as their consumption has risen, plenty of concerns also emerged regarding these sweetened drinks’ potential impact on testosterone levels.

Does sugary beverages lower testosterone?

The detailed analysis aims to explore the potential side effects of sugary drink consumption on testosterone levels. Dive in to dig more about the effects of sugary drinks on men’s testosterone levels and natural ways to avoid them.


Key Insights

  • Sugary drinks are mostly one of the best go-to supplements to increase energy levels instantly.
  • Formulated with a combination of high amounts of caffeine, carbonate water, and artificial sweeteners making it synthetic.
  • Being high-caffeinated may disrupt sleep patterns, leading to inadequate rest.
  • Fuel with amino acids which is why sweetened drinks act as potent performance-enhancing beverages.


Do Sugary Drinks Kill Testosterone?

Studies and formulations of sugary drinks somehow give a hint that yes they do kill testosterone in men.

There are plenty of reasons why sweetening drinks can negatively impact male sex hormones. It’s well-researched that high sugar intake, particularly in the form of sugary drinks like soda, does affect the overall testosterone in the body for several reasons.

The major complications one can get with including too much f sugar in the diet include obesity, insulin resistance, and inflammation. Unfortunately, these all contribute to unwanted negative potentials to the natural hormonal production in the body.

Clinical trials recommend that sugar causes a quick surge in insulin synthesis, which the body utilizes to deal with a sudden overflow of glucose (sugar), and this in turn depresses your testosterone levels.

Many energy drinks are loaded with sugar and artificial additives, which can wreak havoc on hormonal balance.

Consuming excessive amounts of sugar can lead to insulin resistance, which may indirectly reduce testosterone levels over time.

Here are some of the clinical evidence that assures that sugar does lower testosterone.


Can Sugary Drinks Cause Low Testosterone? Scientific Evidence

Have a quick overview of some of the studies that confirm testosterone levels can be affected by sugary drinks.

Study 1

A study was performed with a total of 2935 young men who addressed SSBs, ASBs, fruit juices, and energy drinks with high sugar content.

As per the analysis, men who consumed the highest category of SSB intake (median: 1.1 servings (∼220 ml)/day) have lower median sperm concentration (95% CI: -21.0, -5.5) than non-consumers. Additionally, a similar pattern has been observed with other factors related to men’s sexual helath, i.e. total sperm count, serum inhibin-B, and inhibin-B/FSH ratio get lowered.

Study 2

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) has performed a population-based study to investigate whether consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) is associated with lower serum total testosterone concentration in men or not.

In the study, 545 subjects were examined of which 486 had normal testosterone levels but 59 men supplemented with high-sugary beverages were found low testosterone.

Significantly, the study showed that yes, sugary beverages does lower testosterone, but here is a detailed analysis of why.


How Does Sugar Bevarages Lower Testosterone?

Truly, sugary beverages like cold coffee or soft drinks can be your savior but unfortunately, it negatively affects testosterone levels.

Here are some of the potential factors that make sugary beverages ineffective or harmful:

Carbonated Water

Mostly carbonated beverages are suggested to be avoided as they may cause a negative impact on overall health. Excessive intake of CBs is linked to obesity, diabetes, endocrine problems, and overweight. CBs have a negative impact on reproductive processes.

A study involving 2,500 males found that guys who consumed one liter of cola beverage daily had 30% less sperm.

Sugar and artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners or sugar included in these drinks are too high which eventually interrupts the body’s metabolic function.

Plenty of studies are there that confirm that artificial sweeteners like aspartame or others have a negative impact on testosterone and can lead to obesity.

Obesity somehow increases the estrogen levels in the body leading to more aromatization i.e. conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

Taurine and other additives

Taurine is a potential amino acid that is mostly available in soft drinks. It is a sulfur-containing amino acid that can significantly improve male fertility by improving sperm count. However, considering it in optimum dosage is needed or else it can reverse the symptoms naturally.

As per the study, the daily dosage of Taurine for adults would be 6 grams per day. Increasing the dosage inevitably decreases testosterone levels, and unfortunately, sugary beverages combine up to 4000 mg/L which is too much.

Potential Impact on Hormone Levels

Consumption of sugary beverages can have a potential impact on hormone levels. As per studies and experts, it affects insulin and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).

When you consume excess sugar, it leads to spikes in insulin levels in the body. Additionally, these insulin spikes can result in lower levels of SHBG, and lower levels of SHBG can disrupt the balance of hormones in the body.

Till now the analysis clearly states that sugary does beverages lower testosterone, but does quit sugar increase testosterone? Read the natural ways to increase hormonal production in the body.


Opting for Natural Sources – A Healthier Choice for T-Levels

Indeed, sugary drinks can be avoided but in order to uplift the testosterone levels in men it’s vital to consider some other factor.

1. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health, including hormonal balance, such as testosterone levels.

Drinking lots of water to keep hydrated is essential for maintaining overall wellness and health, which includes testosterone synthesis, as dehydration can reduce testosterone levels. Studies revealed that hydtar

2.Workouts that boost energy

Researchers found that males who consistently exercise over the long term are more likely to have greater testosterone levels than guys who do not exercise frequently.

Incorporate into workouts that target large muscle groups. Several clinical observations working out on a large muscle group help individuals increase testosterone levels naturally.

3. Balanced Nutrition

As per experts, eating a balanced diet that combines food foods high in antioxidants, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and vitamin D definitely boosts testosterone levels in men.

Try to eat appropriate meals with a perfect balance of needed macros and micros along with essential vitamins and minerals that support better testosterone levels.

4. Adequate Sleep

Sleep, is yet another factor that influences testosterone levels by affecting the overall hormonal fluctuations. Normally, during sleep, testosterone levels rise as part of a 24-hour natural pattern of levels increasing and declining.

Research has revealed following adequate sleep for 7-9 hours of sleep maintains a natural; rhythm pattern and supports better hormonal balance naturally.

Apart from these, you can also combine some additives in the diet rather than sugary drinks to avoid lowering testosterone in men.


Choosing Natural Alternatives to Sugary Drinks

Give a try to satisfying energy drinks without too much sugar in them. Start enjoying these calorie-free, healthier alternatives to quench your thirst that will still taste good.

Here are three such supplements that can help increase energy levels without adding too many calories to the diet.


Increased strength and “quick burst” energy produced by creatine enhances performance without compromising your capacity to work out for extended periods of time (aerobic endurance).

Most athletes use creatine supplements to fuel their overall energy for better workouts.

People usually ask how much creatine is good for muscle growth, as it does not directly impact testosterone levels. However, it ensures sufficient oxygen delivery in the muscle and supports ATP generation in the body.

It would be better to combine 3-5 mg of daily dosage of creatine for better bodybuilding outcomes. It can be the best way to elevate energy without overloading calories.



Another alternative that can be the best replacement for sugary energy drinks is caffeine.

Most fitness freaks and bodybuilders prefer it as the best pre-workout supplement to ensure elevated energy levels without any energy crashes.

The potent alternative helps in increasing strength, power, and endurance during workouts. Furthermore, caffeine is also less calorie with zero artificial or natural sugar content that somehow affects or lowers testosterone.

Coffee helps provide us with a much-needed energy boost. But it doesn’t support muscle growth in the same way as pre-workouts.

When pursuing more strenuous exercise and training regimens, pre-workout nutrition and increased energy can be immensely helpful.



Although immediate energy boosts are promised by high-caffeine energy drinks, customers would much rather not run out of energy in the first place.

Whey, on the other hand, is a natural source to enhance energy and fuel your workouts naturally. However, a lot of people in the beverage industry are thinking beyond just including nutritional claims when it comes to high-protein drinks; instead, they want to use ingredients that taste great, look beautiful, and have practical advantages.

Whey protein is added to your daily diet as a supplemental source and as a quick fix for complete meals. After being extracted from milk during the cheese-making process, whey protein is packaged and sold in the market in a form that is recognized as a whey protein supplement.

Whey protein has a low lactose content and is high in all nine of the essential amino acids.

Overall while comparing whey vs creatine vs caffeine all of them can incredibly enhance energy levels without inhibiting more energy.


Final Note

Indeed, the discussion delivered a clear picture of whether do sugary beverages boost testosterone or not.

There are plenty of reasons why you should not consider sugary beverages for energy sources. The leading obesity is just a part of consuming too much of sugary beverages, but it also has some nasty sides that are still hidden.

It not just makes you fat but also affects your vitality and other manly activities. Making you fatigued by employing added calories can also overburden you with metabolic issues as well.

Therefore, it’s better to avoid these sugary beverages and go for natural additives that can work better as sugary beverages replacement.

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