Build Bigger Muscles with PHUL Workouts – Beginners Guide!

PHUL Workout Program

Get RIPPED with a workout plan that emphasizes serious gains & strength.

Looking for a workout that can maximize your muscle gains and strength?

Look no further than PHUL Workout Program which brings out the beast trapped inside you. Read on to start your transformation journey with it.

This fitness era often gets introduced with new workout programs.

Every other self-proclaimed fitness trainer comes with a so-called revolutionary workout program that transforms you.

But let’s face the truth…they won’t work. Not anytime sooner or later.

However, a Powerlifter, Trainer, and Youtuber named Brandon Campbell created yet another workout plan that actually works.

Its shocking results have been storming the internet worldwide. And it is here for one solid reason…to maximize your strength and muscle gains.

We are talking about Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower or simply PHUL workout.

Incorporated with various compound and isolated exercises, it trains your body to its cellular levels. On top of that, it also helps to reduce any heart ailments.

But, here’s the catch.

How can you get started will this PHUL Workout Training Program?

This PHUL Workout Review features everything that you need to know before starting your transformation journey with it.

Let’s dive into it…


A Quick Look at What all Comes With PHUL Workout

Getting bigger in size as well as in strength is sort of like an obsession these days.

But misled with hundreds of bodybuilding articles, most of us end up creating a mess.

Often, you can see some fitness freaks trying some crazy new techniques to get big. For some, they may work while for others it can be a complete waste of time and energy.

However, PHUL focuses on the basics of bodybuilding for its shocking before and after results.

Focused goal

Improved Muscle Gains and Strength Levels

Training LevelsFor Intermediate and Advance enthusiastic
Time Per Workout [Can Vary]45-60 Minutes
Workout TypeSplit
Targeted GenderCan Be Used by Both
Training Days4 Days Workout + 3 Days Off

So here is what coming if you have decided to give it a shot.

With all that said…let’s now understand what exactly PHUL Workout Program is.


What is PHUL Workout Program?

What is PHUL workout

Here are the basics.

Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower spotlights the basic principle for gains and size.

It involves a 4-day training period. The first two days focus on building strength. On the contrary, the other remaining ones target size.

On top of that, it also makes sure to train your whole muscles twice a week. Eventually, this leads to jaw-dropping PHUL workout results.

During the upper body training phase, the PHUL training program targets your chest, shoulders, back, triceps, and biceps.

On the other hand, during the lower body training phase, your train your lower back, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes.

In short, it’s like a full-body training program that leads to massive muscle growth and unbeatable strength.

But before moving to what all comes with this.

Have a look at the differences between PHUL and PHAT workouts. Here we go…


A Major Difference Between PHUL Workout vs PHAT?

Difference between PHUL vs PHAT workout

PHUL hosts a ton of great health benefits.

Designed to boost muscle mass, strength, and so on, you can be shredded in months if not in weeks.

But that doesn’t mean it has no competitors at all. Certainly, there is.

PHAT is yet another workout program with claims to improve all overall body strength. It combines the power of bodybuilding and weight lifting to bring the best out of you.

Lower reps, heavier weights, and a longer resting period build strength. While shorter rest periods, lower weight, and higher reps boost your muscle mass.

On the contrary.

PHUL Workout Program focuses on the basics of bodybuilding to avail you of its all benefits. It also brings the best out of us in a limited time.

This means if you have a busy schedule and still want to get shredded, no one can beat what all comes with the PHUL program.

That brings us to a point where we have to decide which is the best between PHAT vs PHUL Workout.

So Which is a Better Choice Between PHAT vs PHUL Workout Program?

The key to starting your transformation journey is to decide which workout can be one for you.

If you’re looking to throttle up your muscle mass and strength levels, both can do wonders.

PHAT workout program is a 5-day training session.

  • It targets your strength levels for 2 days then the rest focuses on muscle gains.

On the other end,

PHUL workout is a 4-day workout program with 3 days off.

  • That means you can target your muscle twice a week for both serious gains and strength in a split of 2 days.

At first, glance, if you compare PHAT vs PHUL Workout Programs, both will look kind of similar.

But there’s a small difference with shocking results.

RECOMMENDATION: If your overall goal is to get shredded with unbeatable strength, the PHUL workout takes the crown. On top of that, it also supports flexibility and weight loss.

But for the sake of muscle gains, clearly, PHAT should be your choice. All thanks to it’s a day more of high-volume workout.

Moreover, it also assists in your weight loss and is a longevity routine.

Here’s a Quick Note: Both workout programs can help you to transform yourself.

In the end, you’re the one who will decide. Moreover, don’t forget to be consistent as it’s the key in bodybuilding.


Is PHUL Workout Effective?

IS PHUL Workout Program Effective

A workout with jaw-dropping before and after results.

But are all these claims trustworthy?

Or does a PHUL workout work?

The primary goal for the PHUL workout program is to levels up your fitness capabilities. Eventually, it leads to massive muscle gains with true strength levels.

The sole reason behind all these before and after results is due to the fact that a bulk of its routine consists of compound exercises.

These are the best that can enhance your fitness levels. In addition, with compound exercises, you don’t need to have a separate workout for your abs.

It’s all because, while performing these, your body constantly uses its abs to stabilize your body.

But what about the effectiveness?

Are PHUL Workouts Effective?

Well, Yes.

 According to PHUL routine reddit, it can be incredibly effective for those looking to gain some serious muscle mass and strength levels. Moreover, it can also fit in your busy schedule with its 4-day workout routine. 

To give you a fair idea about it…here is what PHUL Workout Training Program looks like.

  • First Day: Upper body power
  • Second Day: Lower body power
  • Third-Day: Rest
  • Fourth Day: Upper body hypertrophy
  • Fifth Day: Lower body hypertrophy
  • Sixth Day: Rest
  • Seventh Day: Rest

Seeing all this, certainly, you all are overwhelmed.

But the best part is that we are yet still to talk about its before and after results. Or say the PHUL workout benefits.

Here are counting begins…


What Sorts of Benefits You Can Expect From PHUL Training?

PHUL Workout Before and After results are now storming the internet worldwide!!!

Although it’s relatively new in the fitness industry, its shocking benefits and results make everyone talk about it.

With a 4-day routine program (Standard), you can target your muscle mass twice a week. Obviously, for size and strength.

  • Eventually, this improves your fitness levels.

With all that said, here are some major PHUL Workout Benefits that make it so unique.


#1. It Improves Your Bones and Muscle Strength

benefits of strength training

Compound exercises are great for building muscle strength and bone strength.

When you’re active with PHUL workout program, your body adapts to all its stress via building more cells. This makes your muscle and bone stronger than ever.

However, don’t overdo it. Since it stresses the body, there is always a risk of injuries. Be sure not to overwork with it but still push beyond your limits.


#2. Targets Your Muscle Mass Twice a Week For Maximum Gains

PHUL workouts can avail you of massive muscle mass and unbeatable strength levels.

All thanks to its workout program that targets every muscle mass twice a week.

A study also shows targeting muscle mass twice per week can improve your overall fitness levels.

Moreover, expect to get better after each workout session.


#3. Gives Your Body Adequate Resting Period

Sleeping for muscle gains

Starting with PHUL training gives your body adequate time to repair and replenish its energy levels. This leads to maximum efforts being put into every time.

On resting or on any other days, take a night of sleep for 6 to 8 hours.

Since new muscle mass builds and repairs during this period only. Ensuring this in your regime can significantly increase all the efforts.


#4. PHUL Workouts Can Also Enhance Your Mental Health

The benefits of PHUL workout aren’t just limited to muscle gains only.

Upon starting, your brain releases endorphins. This prevents any mental ailments.

Moreover, regular exercising can also keep serotines and stress hormones in control. It also helps to keep your self-esteem high.

But this doesn’t end here yet.

PHUL workouts can also help to prevent any heart ailments, gives your body a variety in training, and boosts your overall fitness levels.

So these were the top health benefits you can expect from the PHUL workout program.

Keep on reading to know about the exercises and some tips that can greatly benefit you. Let’s get started with it…


What all Exercises Comes Under PHUL Workout Program?

Exercises in PHUL workout

Exercising is the best way to build some muscle mass and strength. However, grinding with the same one day after another can be boring.

This can lower your motivation and confidence with time. Moreover, it also possesses a high chance of leaving your fitness journey in between.

That’s why it’s important to have variety in your workout regime.

And PHUL workout brings a ton of variety with it.

With 20+ different workouts that tone every inch of the body, you just can’t get tiresome with it at all.

Some Best PHUL Workout that you can see in the program is the barbell bench press, overhead press deadlifts, skull crushers, leg press, and the list goes on.

All of that are proven for their shocking before and after results on your size and strength levels!!!

Moreover, PHUL Workout to Gain Size and Strength also consists of some isolation exercises combined with a ton of compound ones.


7-Day Workout Schedule for Maximum Muscle Gains

PHUL workout training program

So, till now, you might have decided to give PHUL workout a shot.

It’s now the time to make you aware of what all comes with PHUL workout.

This section of the complete PHUL workout guide covers the 7-day workout plan for massive gains and strength.

Day 1: Focus On Your Upper-Body Strength

  • 3-4 sets of Barbell Bench Press, 3-5 reps
  • 2-3 sets of EZ Bar Curl with 6-10 reps
  • 3 sets of Lat Pull Down, 6-10 reps
  • 3-4 sets of Incline Dumbbell Press, 6-10 reps
  • 3-4 sets of Bent Over Row, 3-5 reps
  • 2-3 sets of skull crusher, 6-10 reps
  • 3 sets of Overhead Press with 5-8 reps


Day 2: Focus On Your Lower Body Strength

  • Back Squat: 3-4 sets with 3-5 reps
  • Barbell Calf Raises: 4 sets with 12-15 reps
  • Deadlift: 3-4 sets with 3-5 reps
  • Hamstrings Curls: 3-4 sets with 6-10 reps
  • Leg Press: 4-5 sets with 10-15 reps


Day 3: Focus On Upper-Body Muscle Gains

  • 4 sets of Incline Dumbbell Press, 12-15 reps
  • 3-4 sets of Seated Incline Curl, 8-12 reps
  • 3-4 sets of Single-Arm Dumbbell Row, 10-15 reps
  • 3-4 sets of Seated Cable Row, 8-12 reps
  • 3-4 sets of Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly, 8-12 reps
  • 3-4 sets of Single Arm Lateral Raise, 12-15 reps
  • 3-4 sets of Cable Tricep Extension, 8-12


Day 4: Focus On Lower Body Muscle Gains

  • Barbell Lunge: 4 set with 12-15 reps
  • Calf Press: 3-4 sets with 15 reps
  • Hamstring Curl: 3-4 sets with 12-15 reps
  • Front Squat: 4 set with 10-15 reps
  • Seated Calf Raise: 3-4 sets with 15 reps
  • Leg Extension: 4 set with 12-15 reps
Take a 3-day rest depending on your choice. Moreover, don’t forget to take a rest between beginning your Day 3 workout.

Also, consider taking the rest between the workouts for maximum benefits. The same is verified.

According to one study, people who take 2 to 3 minutes of rest between the workouts saw better muscle growth compared to those who didn’t.

That’s all in this PHUL Workout Routine Guide.

Following this workout program can add a great help in transforming your physique.

But be sure not to overwork with all this.

Before concluding this PHUL workout program, let’s have a look at some tips that can further maximize all the results.


Tips to Maximize the Results of PHUL Workout


tips to maximize PHUL workout results

Following the PHUL workout programs hosts a ton of health benefits. But there are some common mistakes that must avoid.

Here are some tips for PHUL workouts that you must follow for the best results possible.

  • Begin your PHUL workout with low ranges of sets and reps.
  • Make sure to take a healthy nutritious diet.
  • Get adequate rest. Consider 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
  • Don’t forget to warm yourself up to avoid any injuries.
  • Choose the weight that allows the completion of that rep.
  • Don’t push too hard…it can cause injuries.
  • When working with heavyweight, be with someone who can help when needed.
  • And last but not least set realistic goals and work for them.

So, there’s all that comes with this workout plan for strength and gains.

Before wrapping this blog up, let’s leave you with some common FAQs that can help you.


PHUL Workout Program: Common FAQ’s

People are often get confused about several common questions regarding the PHUL workout program.

But you need not worry about it.

Here are some of those that you can look at.


Q1. Is PHUL Workout Good Choice for Beginners?

The PHUL workout regime isn’t at all for beginners. Since it focuses on heavy and intense exercises, chances are you may end up injuring yourself.

But if you’re at an intermediate level, it can be a great option for you.


#2. Is PHUL Split Good for Athletes?

It’s not good, actually, it is best if you’re looking to gains some strength and size. With its 20+ exercises for gains, it packs all that can meet all your needs.


#3. Is Full-Body Better Than PHUL Split?

Full-body workouts target all body parts at once. Eventually, this makes your body lean by torching more calories.

On the other hand, PHUL workouts split your body in two half.

This allows you to focus on each body part for gains and size.


#4. Do High Reps Build Muscles?

High reps with lightweight help to build muscle endurance not mass.

If you’re looking for mass, go with a heavier weight with low reps for noticed results.


#5. Why Does Hypertropy Builds Muscle?

Exercises break down your muscle tissues. This makes your body repair them resulting in increased muscle fiber.

Eventually, this makes you look bigger and increase your overall strength.

There’s all in this PHUL Workout Program.



PHUL training is best for those looking to pack some serious strength and muscle mass.

It is a well-balanced combination of full-body workouts.

If you’re looking to spice up your daily regime, definitely give it a shot. Consider following PHUL Exercise Schedule to yield incredible results.

One last thing, don’t forget to fuel your body with a well-balanced diet.

On that note, let’s end this blog. Keep visiting us for more on diet and exercises for gains.

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