Ten Minute “Shred or Die” Workout

get your summer body ready with 10 min shred or die workout

This workout is called shred or die and comes from Insane Home Fat Loss.com. This is one of the meanest routines we’ve seen for burning fat for a long time and what’s great about it is that it only takes four and a half minutes!

Can you really give yourself a killer workout in just 4.5 minutes?

Sure you can! Here’s how…

The Rules

This routine is a circuit that is made up of 15 second intervals. There are six intervals in total, with the sixth being a rest. This means the entire thing will take you 1.5 minutes and you’ll be doing three rounds total. That makes a total of 4.5 minutes.

These six exercises when performed in rapid succession are enough to get your heart really racing, while the variety of different moves will really tax and challenge your body to get working hard.

All the exercises are bodyweight moves, so the only equipment you’ll need is a jump rope. If you don’t have one though, you can easily replace it with a dressing gown cord, a long towel or a blanket rolled up.

In fact, you can actually get the very same benefit you would from a jump rope workout by just jumping and swinging your arms as though you were skipping rope!

This is one of the very best exercises for fat burning and for toning, so it really pays for everyone to find a way they can do it conveniently at home.


The Routine

Without further ado, here is the sequence:

  1. Jump Rope
  2. Push Ups
  3. Jump Rope
  4. Squats
  5. Speed Jump Rope
  6. Rest

Make sure when you’re jumping the rope that you’re really putting your all into it and jumping rather than just hopping over it each time. Rev up the tempo on that last go to finish every last bit of effort!

Squats you can do just with your bodyweight – and combined with the rope that should be more than enough to challenge the legs properly.


Why it Works?

Why does this routine work? Why is it enough to get your heart-rate really workout?

Well, that would be because it’s simply a form of interval training. The jump rope is a cardio intensive exercise that lets you push yourself – especially the third time around – and the periods of push ups and squats are really just a form of active recovery. You’re catching your breath but you’re still working out at the same time.

This type of training increases mitochondrial efficiency resulting in improved fat burning throughout the day, long after you finish training. And those who know their stuff will probably recognize this as being very similar to the infamous tabata workout – which is just 4 minutes long!

So this being 4.30 is actually even longer than that routine and with more repetitions and more variation. Of course exactly how hard this workout is though, will always depend on just how much effort you put into it!


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