2018 is here and that means it’s time for an upgrade. It’s time you upgraded your body and that means that you need to upgrade your workouts.
This workout comes from Brendan Meyers & is one of the toughest workouts you’re going to see this year.
Are you ready for that? If not, then go home, think about your life and then come back.
The rest of you? Let’s go and get some serious cut abs!
What’s going to make this workout intense is that you won’t be having anyrest periods. That means you’ll be going straight from one movement to the next with no gap and this kind of intensity is going to flood the abs with blood and metabolites.
Of course there needs to be some kind of rest for you to be able to put full effort into each movement. Thus the workout is split into two phases with a run in between. The run will act as a form of ‘active recovery’, whereas the phases will focus on different muscle groups.
Brendan Meyers mentions this at the start of his video but what hedoesn’ttell us is that the moves are alsoincrediblydifficult in themselves.
These are moves that some of us will simply never learn and they involve moves like front levers. If you think you’re tough enough then give it a go!
Hardest Ab Workout –Phase 1
5 L-Sit to Front Lever
Start hanging from the pull up bar with your feet in a L-sit position and then straighten your body into a front-lever position.
7 Toes to Bar
Start hanging and then raise the legs all the way up to touch the bar with your feet.
4 Full Front Raises
8 Oblique Crunches (Each Side)
While hanging, bring your knees up to one side, twisting your abs on each repetition.
5 Crunch to L-Sit
Hardest Ab Workout –Phase 2
6 Hand Walk Outs
Start in press up position and then walk your hands up gradually to your feet so your buttocks point up in the air, then walk back down and repeat.
12 Plank Crunches
12 Plank and Twist (Each Side)
Start in plank position, then bring your knee up and twist on one side. Repeat on the other.
15 Seconds of Plank
30 Seconds Pulsators
Legs and upper body slightly raises, simply pulsate the legs slightly above the ground without letting them touch the floor.
8 Single Leg Raises (Each Side)
6 Six-Inch Knee Crunch
4 Six-Inch Circles (Each Side)
Lying on the ground, draw a circle with your legs in the air.
15 Second Six Inch Hold
Hold your legs six inches off the ground.
And there you have it –one of the toughest workouts you’ll see for your abs in a while.
It’s great to challenge yourself like this and what you’ll find is that the whole thing should only take around 10 minutes. That’s a very quick workout for an insane amount of pump and burn!
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