Transform Your Arm Muscles with the Curl Bar Exercises [Top 5]

Switch to curl bar exercises and build massive gains and upper chest!

Remember the first time you entered the gym?

The overwhelming feeling when you get to witness those machines and bars.

Everyone faces some problems when trying to choose the bars to build muscles. Moreover, people typically start with barbells and keep adding weight to them.

Well, you don’t have to take “Everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go” too seriously.

That is, you can make your own to improvise your workout. Instead, you can try different workouts with a curl bar.

So, what is a curl bar?

Curl bar or EZ bar or EZ curl bar is a zig zagged barbell. With a “w” shape, the EZ bar is approximately 4 feet.

It’s useful equipment for training arms, back, shoulders, and chest. A curl bar is versatile training equipment that gives multiple grips. It allows for a narrow, angled, and wide grip.

But is curl bar worth it? 

Are curl bar exercises effective for everyone?

This article will help you find the answer along with some of the best curl bar exercises for beginners along with some useful tips.

Stick till the end to know it all.


Are Curl Bar Exercises Effective?

curl bar exercises

Adding curl bar exercises to your workout could be an effective way to train your biceps shoulders and back movements.

Adding to it, it’s great for those who have developed wrist pain working with straight bars.

The curls allow wrists to settle more naturally.

Moreover, as far as it is about the effectiveness of the muscles, it’s slightly higher in comparison to other bars.

A study,

conducted to verify the execution of dumbbell curls and barbell curls in their 2 variants straight and EZ. The results showed that as compared to the DC variant, the EZ variant enhances BB and BR EMG activity during the whole range of motion and only in the eccentric phase.

So, yes curl bars are effective and you use them for a greater range of motions. However, it is a matter of choice and comfort as well.

Next, is, what muscles does curl bar work?

You can use EZ curl bars to target your upper body muscles. It shows the magnificent effect on

  • Chest
  • Shoulders
  • Forearms
  • Triceps
  • Biceps

Moreover, while EZ curl bar exercises for biceps are popular, you can also try many different workouts with curl bar.


5 Best Curl Bar Exercises and How to Do It?

Here are some of the best EZ curl bar exercises that you might want to add to your workout.

These curl bar exercises will give you more than biceps activation.

#1. Preacher Curl

Preacher Curl

It won’t be wrong if you say preacher curl is one of the best EZ curl bar exercises for biceps.

It targets the primary biceps muscles i.e. brachioradialis muscle.

According to studies, this type of curl with the help of a preacher bench activates the biceps maximum and helps build muscles.

How to do Preacher Curl:

  • Set the preacher bench so that it sits under your armpits.
  • With your arms extended down, hold the bar with standard width and palms up grip.
  • As you curl the bar up towards your upper chest, try to keep your back straight.
  • Lower the bar down and get back to the starting position.
  • Repeat it 10-12 times.
TIPS: During your entire workout, keep your upper arms pinned to the preacher bench.


#2. Push Press


The push press is among the effective curling bar exercises for shoulders. 

It is a compound move and works really well to benefit your complete upper body.

No to mention, it also works great in burning calories.

How to do Push Press:

  • Stand straight with bars resting on your upper shoulder and chest.
  • Hold the grip of your choice, slightly bent your knees, and carefully push the bar above your head.
  • Bring the bar back to your shoulder and repeat.
  • Do 10-12 repetitions.
TIPS: Try to maintain the strength of your wrists and forearms and avoid bending them during the range of motions.


#3. EZ Bar Landmine Twist

EZ Bar Landmine Twist

The landmine twist is a transverse plane exercise and works your entire core.

It helps build incredible core strength and stability. Interestingly, it targets your obliques, transverse abdominals, and your entire core muscles including spine erectors.

It’s a must to add to your curl bar exercises chart. 

How to do EZ curl bar landmine twist

  • Keep your upper body erect and get to your kneeling position on the floor.
  • Press the bottom of the EZ bar on the corner of a wall or anything that can securely hold it.
  • Hod the EZ bar with your arms extended in front at your eye level.
  • With your arms extended, rotate the bar down to your right side. As you do so, your chest and shoulder will also rotate along with your core. But your hips will stay in the same position.
  • Now get back to the center position to your eye level and repeat it to your least side.
  • The start will only be 5 repetitions.
TIPS: Try to fix the end of the Curl bar properly before you begin to bend it.


#4. EZ Bar Upright Row

EZ Bar Upright Row

If you are looking for curl bar exercises for chest without bench, this might be the one.

Additionally, it is great for anterior and lateral delts as well as upper traps.

How to do EZ bar upright row:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Use a medium overhand grip to hold the bar.
  • With your arms extended down and a slight bend in your elbow, raise it to your chest level while bending your elbows.
  • Go back to the starting position.
  • Repeat it 10-12 times.
TIPS: Try to bring the bar only as high as you can. While some can bring it near their neck, some can only hold it to their chest.


#5. Skull Crushers

skull crushers

Skull crushers exercises are the best for your triceps. And when you add curl bars to it, you can feel the real burn.

One can’t skip skull crushers when looking for what is the best curl exercise for triceps.

How to do Skull Crushers with EZ curl bar:

  • Use a close overhand grip to grab the bar and lie down on a flat bench.
  • Keep your shoulder blades retracted and then straight take the curl bar at sternum level.
  • Keep your elbows pinned.
  • Now, lower the curl until it is on your forehead or at the back of your head.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat.
  • Do 10-12 reps.
TIPS: when you lower the bar keep your elbows in line and avoid flaring it out.

These were some of the curl bar exercises for beginners and for pros.

Including a curl bar in your daily workout brings a dynamic range of motion and breaks the monotony.

However, although it may look easy, it’s important to know all the dos and don’ts before implementing new equipment in your regime.  


Tips to do Curl Bar Exercises

Adding the weights is not always the solution for increasing the intensity.

However, trying different equipment and different variation of exercises could the one.

If you want to perform better with curl bar exercises, these tips will help you do so.

#1. Don’t Move Your Body

Avoid using your body to complete the move when you bring the curl bar near your body or towards your chest.

If you feel your body is moving, try to get rid of some weight. This will not only help put pressure on the biceps but will also prevent you from any uncertain injury.


#2. Get Your Posture Right

This rule is not only restricted to curl bar exercises. The correct posture of your body is the key to getting maximum benefits from any exercise.

Especially when you are doing curl bar exercises at home, it’s important to make sure your shoulders, neck, and back are straight and aligned.


#3. Keep Your Elbows Tight

If you are doing EZ curl bar exercises for chest and biceps, try to keep your elbows tight to your side.

Following this rule will put your biceps under pressure and help you reap maximum benefits.


#4. Stabilize Your Wrist

For curl bar exercises, it’s important to get an ergonomic grip with isolated biceps muscles.

Also, make sure your wrists are towards the inside of your body and the wrist joints are locked.

This will help keep your arms in the strongest position and lift heavy weights quite smoothly.


#5. Keep Your Chest Out

If you keep your shoulders back and chest out, you can get your torso straight.

As a result, you would be able to able to add a varied range of motions and avoid excess unwanted pressure on your joints and ligaments.

Incorporating curl bar exercises can help witness quick changes in your biceps and shoulder muscles.

If you are interested in cultivating a savage upper body, make sure your workout routine has curl bar exercises.

 Notably, if you put the above-mentioned tips in mind, you can easily perform curl bar exercises at home even if you are a beginner. 

This blog contains enough information about curl bar exercises for beginners. 

However, we have included some FAQs to help you get some extra information.


Curl Bar Exercises – Frequently Asked Questions 

Some of the faqs regarding EZ curl bar exercises are:

#1. Can you use a curl bar for the overhead press?

Yes, you can easily perform the overhead press or push press with curl bar exercises.

Simply, follow the steps mentioned above and keep in mind the tips.


#2. Is a curl bar better than a straight bar?

Well, it’s totally about the preferences and the type of exercises you choose.

Curl bar exercises give your wrist a more natural grip and add variations to your movements.

Nonetheless, there are certain exercises that can be better performed with a straight bar.


#3. How do you build muscle with a curl bar?

The method of building muscles using a curl bar is the same as a dumbbell and barbell.

That is to say, gradually increasing the weights and repetitions can help you get your dream biceps.


#4. Can you do squats with the EZ curl bar?

Yes, you can do squats with the EZ curl bar.

However, it’s better to do it with straight bars as it gives more width to the hold and can lift more weights.


#5. Can I do deadlifts with the EZ bar?

Yes, you can do deadlifts with the EZ bar. However, it’s completely a matter of choice.

While some weightlifter recommends it, others vote for ole Olympic bars. Nonetheless, there is no harm in using the EZ curl bar for deadlifts; just make sure you keep the right form.


#6. Can you use the EZ curl bar for the bench press?

EZ curl bar is bent in the middle which allows for better grip.

Adding to it, the curl bar keeps your hands angled properly and away from each other. There is no harm in doing a bench press with an EZ curl bar.


#7. Can you do bent-over rows with the EZ bar?

Notably, EZ curl bars are perfect for performing bent-over rows.

It gives the right grip and also prevents unnecessary pressure on your wrist joints.


#8. Can you use an EZ curl bar for hip thrusts?

EZ curl bar is much easier, accessible, and ideal for hip thrusts.

If you find moving barbells a big hassle, you can give curl bars a TRY!

It makes complete sense to try the EZ curl bar and be comfortable while performing hip thrusts.

Hope this answers all your queries related to what curl bar exercise is and how to incorporate it into your daily workout routine.


Final Thoughts

The EZ curl bar is more effective in activating your biceps muscles.

Moreover, besides providing comfort to your wrists, EZ curl bar benefits include:

  • It’s 4-4.5 feet in size which makes it more accessible even for curl bar exercises at home.
  • The angled bar helps you attain more variety of exercises. It also keeps the stress away from muscles.
  • It’s versatile in incorporating any exercise. If you are a beginner curl bar is great for learning the movements. If you are a pro, you can add variations to your workout routine by using the EZ curl bar.

Although you may find using the curl bar a little critical because of the angled bar. However, will little practice and the right technique, you can get the drill.

So, fret no more! Get your Curl bar and witness those Herculean arms in no time at all.

Try these curl bar exercises in your workout regime and let us know the results in the comment section.


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