The Massive Muscle Building Program for Beginners | 4-Week Diet Plan

4 Week Muscle Bulking Transformation

4-Week Muscle Building Transformation Diet Plan to Get SHREDDED!

Everyone wants to be shredder and bulky.

If you have a similar goal, hit the 4 Week Bulking Transformation Diet challenge.

Who doesn’t want to pack up lean muscle and go muscular?

Workout plans and diet plans do no favor to all. This is why most folks hitting the gym gives up within the month.

Nonetheless, a bulkier and more muscular body requires more than a wish. You don’t only have to put in your efforts and be dedicated toward your goal but look for the right diet program and training program.

The main reason behind the bulking cycle going bad is the wrong approach. You need to know the dos and don’ts to get everything right.

In this 4-week muscle bulking transformation training plan and diet program, we have got everything covered.


What is a Bulking?

The knowledge of the basics keeps you many steps ahead. Thus, knowing what is muscle bulk and how to get bulk can cut down the task.

The muscle bulking process maximizes lean muscle, muscular strength, and functional force. In the long run, it leads to a muscular physique and well-developed biceps, triceps, and much more.

It isn’t just about how you appear, but the athletic performance, strength, and speed it adds.

On top of that, a higher muscle ratio is beneficial for your health.

A muscular physique protects against diseases, illness, and injury.

With age, the human body tends to lose muscle mass. It becomes important to have a sufficient amount of quality muscle for health and overall wellness.

Bulking doesn’t come easy!

Bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts have to spend hundreds of hours in the gym. They have two switches between different cycles.

Bulking cycle and cutting cycle are the top picks.

The former makes you bigger, while the latter makes you shredder and ripped.

When it comes to going bigger, your approach should be right. As with the different types of bulking cycles, the output is different.

Also, keep in mind, only going huge isn’t sufficient, you have to trim the flabs and get a shredder, muscular and complete physique.

Follow the 4 Week Bulking Transformation Diet and training program for more.


Dirty Bulk or Clean Bulk- What’s the Difference?

The conventional bulking probe involved eating anything and jamming it up in the gym. However, modernity has innovated the training program as well.

With different types of bulking diets, you can make the most of the 4 Week Bulking Transformation Diet.

Here’s a brief.


The Easy-Peasy Dirty Bulk

Dirt bulk is the same just is a dirty way to bulk up. In short, you can munch on anything you want, the condition is it adds to your muscle.

In other words, just eat, eat, and eat. Burgers, fries, shakes, pizza anything you want!

It is the easiest and quickest way to bulk up. However, it can make you fluffy and increase your stored fat.

In such a situation, cutting cycles becomes challenging. It requires additional efforts to melt off the excessive fat.


The Clean Bulk Is Different

Names declare everything. The training program involves a cleaner eating pattern.

You can take the help of your dietician, nutritionist, or fitness trainer to prepare your lean bulk diet plan.

The idea is simple. Your diet should include high-protein food in greater amounts.

This way you bulk up quality muscles only. At the end of the clean bulking cycle, the fat and muscle ratio is normal. This makes the cutting cycle effortless.

Clean Bulk Benefits

  • Cutting season requires less effort with less stored fat
  • Clean eating is healthier
  • You won’t require a low-calorie diet to shape your muscle
  • Good for the long-term fitness goal

Unlike other bulking cycles, it is about quality instead of quantity. Professionals prefer the diet program to uplift their game by keeping it low.

A bulking diet plan is a good way to start, but to go muscular, a training program plays a key role.

Should you bulk or cut?

The very common query asked by fitness freaks.

Check out the easiest way to know whether you should bulk or cut to build a leaner, stronger, and more muscular body.


4-Week Muscle Bulking Transformation Training Plan

A true bulking program isn’t only about a meal plan for bulking only.

For a breakthrough muscular physique, you need to adhere to both diet and workout with equal importance.

To offer a slight idea, of what your training program should look like, we have offered this guide.

Your bulking training program should split into these blocks. 

1st WEEK


2nd WEEK

3rd WEEK


4th WEEK


The back-and-forth switch to hypertrophy and strength training makes your body compete.

The high intensity impacts your muscle creating an anabolic environment. Meanwhile, the right nutrition and diet plan for muscle gain does the rest.


Bulking Training Program

Read this section thoroughly, to understand what an ideal workout program for muscle gains appears.

Don’t take it by heart! Make your workout as per your capacity and goals.

Week 1: Hypertrophy

  1. Lat pulldown
  2. Lying leg curl
  3. Incline bench press
  4. Calf raise machine
  5. Hack squat (or leg press)
  6. Dumbbell bent-over row
  7. Seated DB shoulder press

Pick the heaviest weight you are comfortable to perform at least 6-15 reps per set.

If you can easily hit 15 reps, pick a heavier weight. Focus on completing at least 3-4 working sets of the listed workouts. In between the exercises, takes a rest of 3-5 minutes.


Week 2: Strength training

  1. Pull-ups
  2. Back squat
  3. Bench press
  4. Military press
  5. Romanian deadlift

For every set, focus on lifting within the 4-8 rep range. If it is easy, add more loads. Perform at least 3 working sets for each workout.

In between the sets, rest for 5 or more minutes for a full recovery. Manage the weights as per your comfort.


Week 3: Hypertrophy

  1. Goblet squat
  2. Leg extension
  3. Seated calf raise
  4. Dumbbell chest flyes
  5. Wide grip seated row
  6. Dumbbell lateral raise
  7. Reverse grip pulldown

Now, you have to increase your rep range up to 10-15. In between sets, take a rest for 2 minutes for maximum recovery.


Week 4: Strength training

  1. Pull-ups
  2. Back squat
  3. Bench press
  4. Military press
  5. Romanian deadlift

Keep up with the same reps, sets, and rest range.

Know the differences between hypertrophy vs strength training to understand how each approach focuses on different aspects of muscle development.

This was a complete 4-week muscle bulking transformation training program. The workout plan is just an indication. You need to worship it like a bible.

Take an idea from it and prepare your training program according to your comfort and capacity. Also, ensure it meets your fitness goals.

You can take help from a fitness trainer or a pro mate at the gym. In the end, it is your thing, you need to plan it out beforehand.

After the exercises, it’s time for your nutrition and bodybuilding bulking diet.


Tips for Bulking Diet Plan

When it comes to bulking, it is what you eat determines your final physique. Your muscles come for muscle. In terms of diet, you can define it as muscle comes for protein.

The more your protein consumption is the bulkier you get.

However, other keys related to your diet have their importance.

Overlooking them can get you into serious problems. Simply, it can deprive the nutrition required for a fully functional workout.

Here’s the key to a working workout diet program.

1: Hydration

Bulking is demanding, both the 30-day muscle-building diet and workouts.

A gap in hydration can result in injury or pause the nutrition flow.

  • Make sure you have 1.5 – 2 liters per day or 6-8 glasses of water daily.

Not only it is functional for your workout to flush out toxins, but it ensures greater transfusion for protein and nutrition.

Also, keep in mind during a workout, you lose a whole lot of water in the form of sweat. You need to decompensate it. Either have water or try fruit juice and energy drinks to meet the numbers.


2: Carbohydrate

Unlike the cutting cycle, carbs make up a high-protein diet plan for muscle gain. In other words, the harder your workout, the more you bulk up.

Have more whole grains instead of refined carbs. after finishing your training, have some simple carbs.

This helps in spiking insulin levels and boosting protein synthesis to bulk up.


3: Protein

Protein is the most crucial element to your muscle-gaining goals. You need to have a sufficient amount of the macronutrient to jack up lean muscle.

Aim at having 2g protein per kg of body weight per day.

Moreover, you can rely on plant or animal protein as per your preference.


4: Fat

Fat offers dense energy. So, don’t eliminate it from your cheap bodybuilding meal plan.

Keep the healthy fats in your diet, but get off the saturated or trans-fat. They offer you a major energy boost without crashing you with stored fat.

The top sources of healthy fats are peanut butter, avocado, oily fish, nuts, and coconut oil.

These were the major nutrients making up the 3,000 calorie-bulking meal plan. Keep these tips in your head, when you start your bulking diet.

Now, let’s have a look at other aspects of the 4-week clean bulk.


4-Week Muscle Bulking Transformation Diet & Nutrition Plan

Having the right food, the right meals, and the right nutrition can offer an edge to your bulking goals.

To help you out in your 30-day bulking goal, we have shared a complete bulking program fitting for a time frame.

Select the meal option for different timing and prepare your own 30-day muscle-building diet.

Let’s begin…

Breakfast options

  • 2 scoop Mass gainer
  • 6 egg omelets with spinach (around 564 kcal)
  • 1 or 2 bagels with peanut butter (around 380/760 kcal)
  • 2 Poached eggs, salmon, and avocado (around 550 kcal)
  • A large portion of granola, whole milk, and sliced banana (around 750 kcal)

Every day, pick any of the listed meal options for nutrition.


Morning meal/snack options

  • Test booster 2 Tabs + 5g Creatine
  • Progain extreme shake (600 kcal)
  • Progain flapjack (around 324 kcal)
  • Apple with peanut butter (around 200 kcal)
  • A handful of almonds (around 92 kcal per serving)
  • A small portion of chicken breast, tomatoes, celery, and brown rice (around 450 kcal)

For a real calorie jump, you can switch-swap your meals to crack up more meals.


Lunch Options

  • 2 scoops for a mass gainer
  • Vegetarian bean chili burritos (around 900 kcal)
  • Double chicken breast, broccoli, and rice (around 700 kcal)
  • Tinned tuna, quinoa, avocado, and broccoli (around 500 kcal)
  • Salmon, sweet potatoes, and sesame seeds (around 700 kcal)
  • Chicken breast, salsa, brown rice, and peppers (around 720 kcal)

You can select any of the above-listed meals for cramming your lunch plate with nutrition and proteins.


Snack options

  • Beef Jerky (around 410 kcal)
  • 1 scoop Branch chain Amino acids
  • Cup of mixed nuts (around 640 kcal)
  • Mass gainer shake (around 600 kcal)
  • Dark chocolate (a single ounce is 153 kcal.)

You can have one or two snacks a day. However, make sure your daily calories are in good shape.


Dinner options

  • 1 Scoop Casein Protein
  • Tuna, pasta, and Bolognese sauce (around 600 kcal)
  • Chili con carne with rolls of bread (around 700 kcal)
  • Sirloin steak, white rice, and fried egg (around 950 kcal)
  • Tuna steak with olive oil, two sweet potatoes, and quinoa (around 800 kcal)
  • Burger with lean beef, fries, white bread roll, and a cup of green beans (around 1450 kcal)

Again, you need to pick the dinner option as per your preference. Still, the protein should be in good numbers.

This was an indicative bodybuilding diet plan for mass. You can try different recipes to fulfill nutrition and your bulking demand.

After making a complete training and diet plan, it is important to consider some of the supplements for muscle gain to overcome the deficiencies and accelerate the process.


Best Supplements for Muscle Building

Adding muscle-building supplements with essential nutrients is one of the efficient and effective ways to remove such hindrances in the fitness journey that diet and exercise fail to do.

Here’s a list of 5 best supplements for muscle gain and strength.

#1. Creatine

It is a type of amino acid that is the building block of proteins. Creatine helps with skeletal muscle reflexes and also helps generates adenosine triphosphate (ATC) used by the body for explosive energy. Supplementing with creatine fuels your muscles and boosts your performance at the gym.

#2. Whey protein

Implementing a quality whey protein powder can enhance the way you experience muscle gains. Whey proteins are served as great pre and post-workouts since they are easy to digest and get absorbed by the body. It increases the anabolic hormones like insulin that stimulate muscle protein synthesis and also helps with fat absorption.

#3. Multipurpose protein shake

Go for an all-in-one protein shakes with carbohydrates, healthy fats, protein, creatine, leucine, and zinc for muscle growth. Protein shakes are one of the best supplements for muscle gain and strength and work as a catalyst for your diet and exercise.

#4. Beta-alanine

This non-essential amino acid is produced by the body and is also readily available in the form of supplements. Beta-alanine has an effect on skeletal muscle which is related to muscle power and strength. Research suggests supplementing with beta-alanine improves training and enhances power.

#5. BCAA

Branched Chain Amino acids include leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These are found in protein-rich foods and are also available in the form of dietary supplements. These improve muscle protein synthesis and thus increases the muscle-building process.

By actively implementing the right diet, exercise, and supplements, you can easily pack on muscles and move ahead on the fitness journey.

At last, we have taken some common FAQs.


4-Week Muscle Bulking Transformation – FAQs

In this section, we have taken some most common doubts about bulking and going bigger. Let’s answer them one by one…

#1: Can you bulk in 4 weeks?


To get remarkable gains, the 4 weeks require intense effort at the workout and self-control in the kitchen.

You need to have a breakthrough workout plan for bulking. At the same time, your high protein diet for muscle gains should complement your bulking goals.


#2: How can I bulk up in 1 month?

It requires discipline in the kitchen. Your diet plan should involve a whole lot of protein, carbs, fruits, and veggies.

Also, you need to have them in the right quantity to jack up lean muscles. Instead of having three large meals, focus on having 6 smaller meals.


#3: What should I eat to bulk up fast?

Here are the top options you can try to bulk up.

  • Oil
  • Beef
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Nuts And Seeds

Apart from these, add other high protein meals to add additional muscle mass to your body.


#4: How much muscle can you gain in a week?

In general, the number differs from person to person. You can expect about 0.2 to 0.25 pounds [of muscle] in a week.

The muscle gain depends on the presence of protein in your diet. At the same time, work out rigorously to jack up muscle mass.


#5: What is the fastest way to build muscle?

Some scientific ways to jack up muscle can make you bulkier quicker compared to other methods.

Here, we’ve listed the top ways to build muscle quickly.

  • Augment Your Training Volume
  • Emphasis On The Eccentric Phase
  • Cut Between-Set Rest Intervals
  • Consume More Protein
  • Calorie Surpluses Diet
  • Munch On Casein Before Hitting the Sack.
  • Sufficient Sleep
  • Have Creatine Supplement

You can try these tips to power up your bulking routine. This is indicative, you can follow it as per your comfort.

At last, we are at the finish line. Let’s get to the sum up of the muscle-building program for beginners.


The Bottom Line

Most people find it hard to bulk up. The main reason behind the failure is the wrong approach.

You need to have a clear understanding of your diet and training program. This only determines the final bulks and lean muscle gains you gain.

This was a short guide to the 4 Week Muscle Bulking Transformation Diet and training plan.

Hope it helped you find out the gap in your fitness routine. For more such informative blogs, keep visiting us.

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