How Does Citrulline Malate Help You Build Muscles Naturally?

Does Citrulline Malate Build Muscle Growth

Key Notes

  • Citrulline Malate is might the addition you’re missing out on for better muscle Growth.
  • By enhancing the production of NO, Citrulline Malate relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow. 
  • Include Creatine or L-arginine for maximizing the top-notch compound benefit for building muscle mass
  • Taking optimal dosage is also vital to ensure whether the supplement is free from side effects or not.

Incorporating amino acids into the diet for better muscle-building outcomes has become the new trend now.

Citrulline is one of the popular ones, found in watermelon, and has a lot of benefits to look forward to. Citrulline malate is a compound that contains a derivative of mallic acid found in apples. 

Overall, Citrulline malate is a substance that isn’t used to make protein but it helps to increase other chemicals in the body needed for protein synthesis. 

In other words, it can work as an ally to support the building blocks of protein.

They can be further used as nitric oxide enhancers to reinforce bodybuilding efforts. 

It’s not just all about the beneficial fact of the non-essential amino acid, there is much more to know.

Here the discussions deliver a detailed overview of whether does citrulline malate build muscle growth or just supports protein formation. 


Does Citrulline Malate Build Muscle Growth?

Yes, it does! 

Citrulline Malate is a compound that has been scientifically proven to be a great way to boost muscle growth. Additionally, the non-essential acid inside it helps to balance out nitric oxide metabolism.

The compound Citrulline Malate is the combination of citrulline and malate that is commonly used in the fitness and bodybuilding community.

Along with an effective supplement for promoting intracellular nitric oxide (NO) production, there is a much more benefit it can offer.

It ensures the availability of blood flow while being active in the muscle to keep you active while training. 

According to a study, CM has the potential to provide ergogenic aid to both resistance and high-intensity exercise performance. Furthermore, it also influences the recovery factor of the body

By countering the essential factors of bodybuilding it is obvious citrulline malate does build muscle growth.

All you need to know is the factors through which the potent compound works and helps boost muscle growth naturally. 

However, bodybuilders and athletes also sometimes use L Citrulline Malate as a pre-workout to enhance their performance.  


How Does Citrulline Malate build muscle growth?

Among bodybuilders and fitness freaks consuming bodybuilding components or amino acids is quite common. And Citrulline’s use is the most familiar one.

There are certain factors through which citrulline malate builds muscle growth and promotes gains. Have a closer overview of the factors to know how the potent amino acid works. 

1: Nitric Oxide Enhancer

One of the most important roles of Citrulline Malate is to enhance the natural function of nitric oxide in the body. It ensures the availability of essential nutrients in the blood as well as muscle mass to help them grow naturally. 

2: Improved Blood Flow

Since the improved nitric oxide in the body citrulline malate benefits improve the free blood flow. Studies have shown that citrulline malate supplementation does help improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure.

3: Remove Ammonia

If you’re engaged in a strenuous workout it will somehow result in the breakout of muscle and production of ammonium.  Since L-citrulline is made from L-ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate, it potentially helps in the urea cycle. Additionally, it stimulates the immune system and detoxifies ammonia (a cell toxin). 

4: Helps the body to Utilize Arginine more effectively

Citrulline malate supplement encourages the body to bypass the liver and convert to arginine in the gastrointestinal tract. This will help the body to utilize arginine more efficiently and lead to muscle growth as well. 

5: Clearing lactic acid

High lactate sometimes leads to fatigue and causes a slow rate of muscle growth. Citrulline malate enhances the role of arginine which also helps clear lactate to reduce the chances of any halt in muscle growth. 

These are some of the ways through which the potent compound Citrulline malate works and helps build muscle growth.

Moving head to the other factors that will allow you to know why you should this compound for your muscle-building journey. 


Why Choose Citrulline Malate Use in Bodybuilding?

After having a significant analysis of whether citrulline malate builds muscle growth there are other reasons why go for Citrulline Malate Use in Bodybuilding.

Here are some of the benefits of Citrulline Malate supplementation for muscle growth.

  • Citrulline Malate Can Help with Muscle Soreness

The potent compound citrulline Malate can increase the oxygen content within your muscles. This will help in opening the blood vessels that allow your blood to flow faster through the body.  As per a study, the effects of a single dose of citrulline malate (CM) on performance are potent and help reduce muscle soreness. 

  • Citrulline Malate Does Make You Bigger

There are factors that Citrulline Malate improves blood flow and nutrient delivery to muscles. Plus, it also supports muscle growth when combined with proper exercise and nutrition. Therefore, it certainly supports your body for the bulking effort to make it bigger.  

  • Citrulline malate Improves strength performance

Since the working mechanism of the citrulline malate ensures the blood flow as well as optimum oxygen in the muscle. This will help in improving the overall strength and stamina to boost your performance while training. 

  • Citrulline May enhance endurance performance

Citrulline helps to promote the oxygenation of muscles in the short term. Further, by reducing soreness in the muscles it addresses the metabolic damage to balance the damage. Due to this, it enhances endurance performance as well and helps you sustain longer while training. 

  • Citrulline Malate May help muscle protein synthesis

Research has shown that Citrulline malate raises growth hormone levels during exercise. Additionally, it also elevates protein synthesis and facilitates fat burning at the same time.

In short, by playing a supporting role along with another amino acid it does promote muscle protein synthesis. 

Overall, these are some of the other citrulline malate benefits that one should also consider.

Now the most recent concern we’ve heard about is the citrulline malate dosage bodybuilding.


What Can You Combine Citrulline With?

There are some natural supplements that you can combine into the diet to enhance the overall benefits of L-Cutrilline Malate.  



Citrulline malate and creatine are both popular supplements and are usually considered by athletes and fitness enthusiasts for different purposes.

Studies have shown that combining citrulline malate and creatine together serves distinct roles in the body. They might offer complementary benefits: citrulline malate potentially improves endurance and reduces fatigue, while creatine enhances strength and power output.

If you’re looking for a potent creatine supplement to stack with L-citrulline malate Ultimate CRN-5 by Crazy Nutrition can be the most preferable.

The supplement combines 5 different types of Creatine that enhance the overall growth. Also, Crazy Nutrition CRN-5 creatine review from its truster user is positive and genuine. 



Another amino acid that works efficiently in muscle building is L Arginine.

There are a lot of queries that are related to “Can we take L-arginine and citrulline Malate together”?So, the answer is Yes, you definitely can.

Studies assure that a significant combination of L-arginine along with L-cutrilline malate improves exercise performance.

Consuming them together with a balanced dosage can significantly enhance the NO synthase levels and decrease those of arginase in human vascular endothelial cells.

If you’re taking citrulline Malate supplements considering L-arginine-rich foods will maximize the results.

Combining these two supplements along with your prescribed dosage of L-Citrulline Malate can be beneficial. Apart from these, if you’re looking for supplements that combine optimum citrulline malate dosage bodybuilding you can prefer these. 


Supplements with Citrulline Malate

As mentioned Citrulline Malate can be used as pre-workout and most preworkout supplements combine it in optimum dosage.

Here are two popular pre-workout supplements you can combine into the diet to enhance your performance and get bigger gains. 

1: 4 Guage

4 Gauge

The supplement 4 Gauge pre-workout is a safe and natural way to enhance physical and mental performance.

It is a perfect combination of natural components along with optimum citrulline malate dosage per day to boost your overall wellness.

As per manufacturers, it’s one of the best approaches to get explosive power, improved focus, extra stamina, and an intense muscle pump.

Even 4 Guage pre workout review of the trusted users also mentioned that it’s safe and free from any energy crashes. Yeah, it is usually one of the biggest concerns of any users that it may give jittery effects and energy crashes. But thanks to the natural composition of 4 Guage pre-workout it does not possess like that.  


2: Black Wolf Pre-Workout

BlackWolf Supplement

Pre-workout supplements by Black Wolf also gained a lot of attention by serving top-notch benefits. Additionally, has allowed users to get immense energy and stamina to break through the PR.

With the combination of natural supplements as well as L-citrulline malate, it employs unparalleled benefits to boost workout. 

Considering the Blackwolf Pre workout review, it’s indeed safe and delivers impeccable results.

Users have shared their experiences of energy, focus, and endurance all at the same time. Since it’s loaded with scientifically backed ingredients with optimal dosage they are worth giving a try.

The pre-workout supplement fires you up for your workout to help you focus on high-level performance.


Is Citrulline Malate Safe to Take? | Final Verdict

Definitely, L-citrulline malate is a go-to supplement when your goal is to boost muscle mass in men.

Talking about citrulline malate side effects they are generally considered as safe if you’re taking them in the recommended dosage.

However, there may be chances that when you overdose yourself, it may affect you negatively as well. 

Considering the dosage for a better outcome it would be preferable to consume 3000 mg/day to get an instant boost in energy. Taking it an hour before your training session will fuel your workout with elevated energy and stamina. 

Overall, the l-citrulline for muscle growth is a great idea but all you need to look forward for an optimal dosage. 

In conclusion, l-citrulline malate can be worth trying to encourage muscle-building efforts naturally. 

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Alex C Abell
He is an innovative fitness training service provider inspiring people to create lives that are Healthy, Empowered, and Strong. He like to coach, lead, teach and work within a team that inspires action. Currently employed with the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury as a Gym Coach. Get Me on Social Channels: About Me | Instagram | Quora

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