Health Debunked: Does Food Actually Kill Testosterone Levels in Men?

Foods That Kill Testosterone

Testosterone is a vital hormone in the human body that plays a significant role in maintaining several bodily functions in men.

Sometimes what you eat directly impacts the hormonal fluctuations. It’s the primary male hormone that improves other functions including muscle mass, bone density, and sex drive.

Although food does not directly reduce testosterone levels, it potentially impacts lowering testosterone levels.

Soy, dairy, and specific fats are some of the commonly known foods that may influence the levels of hormones.

Understanding these foods and their impact is essential for individuals seeking to maintain healthy hormone levels and overall well-being.

Here in this discussion, we’ll find out how food choices and testosterone can provide valuable insights into optimizing health.


Key Insights

  • Lower testosterone levels in men can be caused by several health complications and food can be a reason.
  • Studies suggest that some foods like refined sugars, vegetable oils, dairy products, certain fats, soy, and alcohol may have a negative impact on the body.
  • Keeping a balance of healthy foods that improves the natural production of the hormone can be a better approach.
  • Additionally, knowing the impacts of foods and how much they can affect t-levels and production is also important.


Foods That Kill Testosterone

Clearly, it’s well-known that food does not directly reduce the natural production of the hormone but causes some other complications.

With misbehaving with other bodily activities it somehow affects the testosterone levels as well.

If you want your testosterone levels to be uplifted it would be better to avoid certain food items. Sometimes too much of any necessary macros and micros can also be a reason that you should consider.

Talking about the broad origins we can say carbs, protein, and fats are the biggest enemy of testosterone levels as they lead to obesity and other health complications.


According to the study, both low-carb and high-carb diets affect testosterone levels negatively. Considering the clinical trial low low-carb it increases cortisol levels that may lower t-levels.

A high-carb diet may influence the metabolism and lower overall body function when consuming it for a longer period.


Most bodybuilders and fitness freaks try to rely on the protein-based diet or go for high high-protein diet that also impacts testosterone levels.

As per a meta-analysis, following a high-protein diet greater than 3.4 g/kg of body weight/per day decreased men’s total testosterone by ∼5.23 nmol/L.


Well, it’s a halfway truth that consuming too much fat affects your testosterone levels.

There are some kinds of fats that you need to avoid but most of the fats from nuts and seeds are essential for your body to produce testosterone. However, studies claim that a low-fat diet decreases testosterone levels in men. (source)

Apart from these basic macros some of the foods that are especially known for their negative impact on testosterone levels are that you should know.


6 Foods That Kill Testosterone Levels In Men

There are plenty of foods that negatively impact testosterone levels in men and also complicate their overall wellness.

Here are some of the foods that you should avoid to get free testosterone in the body.


#1. Vegetable Oil

Although your daily meal combines vegetable oil, let me tell you it’s not gonna be a good approach when it comes to testosterone levels.

Yes, several studies are available on the web that confirm the query “Does vegetable oil lower testosterone

This is because most vegetable oils contain high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids that have a negative impact on the free testosterone levels.


#2. Certain Fats

Although dietary fats are the safest approach to boost testosterone levels, some fats may negatively affect t-levels.

Considering testosterone-killing foods, too much trans fatty acid intake can lower testosterone levels in men.

A sudden change from a high-fat diet to a low-fat diet can lead to a decline in testosterone levels by 10-15% on average.


#3. Dairy Products

Consuming dietary products is a basic nowadays, as everyone is a cheese lover. But yes, having it in a minimum quality is good, taking too much of it also affects hormonal balance.

Some also ask, does milk lower testosterone, so yeah dietary foods including milk lower testosterone levels because of the availability of estrogen and progesterone.


#4. Soy

Undoubtedly, soya is one of the best sources of protein and is consumed by a lot of elite athletes, but you will be shocked to know that it lowers testosterone.

Yes, soya contributes a good amount of estrogen in the body leading to conditions like aromatization.

According to the study, soya encourages estrogen levels that can cause male reproductive disorders.


#5. Alcohol

Plenty of studies have shown that consuming too much alcohol leads to sex differences in men along with other biological complications.

As per Alcohol Health and Research World, the liquor can affect Leydig cells and decrease their capability to produce and secrete free testosterone in the body. Additionally, too much alcohol also impairs the function of the testicular Sertoli cells.


#6. Sugar

Too much consumption of refined sugar is linked with lower testosterone levels in men.

A study was performed to find whether sugar lowers testosterone or not. In that study, 59 men were examined with keeping them on Sugar-sweetened beverage intake.

As a result, after a significant week, it has been found that it has a higher risk of having a low testosterone level.

Overall, it would be better to avoid these foods that may kill testosterone levels.

It will be better if you are still combining them, try to do some moderation while having them in a limited amount.

Along with this, one can also combine testosterone-boosting supplements in the diet to get uplifted levels naturally.

There are plenty of supplements available in the market that support the natural production of the hormone.


Supplements to Boost Testosterone

Combining the supplements that help to elevate the testosterone levels in the body.

Here we’ve listed three popular pills that have gained a lot of attention from fitness freaks. A quick review of these T-pills is mentioned below.


#1. Prime Male 

Prime Male

>>> Visit Prime Male Official Website


If you’re looking for a test-boosting pill for elderly men, Prime Male is the one you should consider.

The supplement is formulated with a combination of natural components that have testosterone-boosting properties.

Here are some of the benefits you can get by incorporating Prime Male into the diet:

  • Support and raise your testosterone levels
  • Helps in burning fat
  • Promotes lean muscle mass
  • Maximizes overall performance
  • Support vitality

Considering Prime Male before and after reviews of trusted users helps in reducing the age-related test decline and enhances vitality. Simply put, the positive results users experienced and shared, confirm the efficacy of Prime Male.


#2. TestoPrime

testoprime booster

>> Visit TestoPrime Official Website


A natural testosterone booster, Testoprime combines hand-picked ingredients to accelerate the production of male sex hormones naturally.

In our daily lives, the food we take somehow affects the free testosterone levels in the body, but thanks to TestoPrime it revitalizes the levels.

In addition to this, there are also several other benefits TestoPrime offers:

  • Improve motivation by increasing your confidence
  • Increase physical and mental energy
  • Support protein synthesis
  • Burn unwanted fat and build lean muscle
  • Experience explosive energy
  • Faster Recovery

Combining the potent booster helps you get an overall sexier-looking physique that others will notice.

The supplement is developed with a combination of powerful herbs to harness the power of some highly-researched medicines that may have negative side effects.


#3. TestoGen


>> Visit TestoGen Official Website


The test booster Testogen is popular for supporting young athletes and professionals with elevated t-levels.

It does so by reversing the symptoms of low T, which may be due to aromatization or age-related decline.

Some of the benefits of combining Tetsosgen in the diet include:

  • boosts testosterone naturally
  • Improves energy
  • Enhance Performance
  • Rapid Muscle growth
  • Promote Libido and fat loss

Combining Testogen with a healthy diet and testo-boosting foods delivers incredible benefits.

While comparing Testogen vs Testoprime, both are safe and effective for enhancing the natural production of the male primary hormone.

All in all, avoiding foods that kill testosterone is just a way to get rid of the symptoms of low T, but combining a natural supplement also ensures its availability in the body.

This is all you need to know to encourage the natural production of hormones in the body and feel more rejuvenated without any side effects Now with this let’s conclude the overall discussion with a final note.


Final Note

Clearly, some foods affect testosterone levels in men or say sometimes kill them.

To counter the situation, consuming natural supplements, a healthy diet, and following an active workout routine will help.

In addition to this, also try to incorporate foods to boost low testosterone levels naturally without negatively affecting other bodily functions.

Having the optimum amount of protein and other dietary fats does encourage the natural production of testosterone and some do not kill the hormone levels in the body.

Always make your diet full of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Opting for sources of healthy fats and maintaining a balanced diet is generally recommended to support optimal hormone levels and overall health.

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