How to Tone Arms Without Getting Bulky? [Best Arm Workouts Without Weights]

how to tone arms without gaining muscle

How to Tone Arms Without Gaining Muscle?

Most women want to have a toned figure without developing biceps and triceps. Is it possible?

Flabby arms or bat wings are what women hate most. These ruin your appearance especially when you are wearing a short-sleeved dress or blouse. In the case of an off-shoulder dress or spaghetti strap, it looks pathetic.

The only way to avoid it by getting your arm’s muscle in place. But, how to tone muscle without bulking up? Certain Arm Workouts can work.

Read our complete guide on how to lose arm fat without gaining muscle at home for help.


How To Tone Arms Without Gaining Muscle?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to tone your arms without gaining muscle.

Even simple workouts build muscle. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean you would end up looking like a bodybuilder.

  • Firstly, bat wings or flabby arms are results of excess stored fat or loss of muscle toning in this particular area.

To even tone them, performing arm workouts can work. In fact, it’s the best way to get rid of fat and tone as per your desire.

  • Secondly, understand how muscles build in the human body.

In the beginning, Muscle building occurs when muscle sustains damage or injury during a workout. Once you are done with your training period, your body gets busy repairing the damage, which results in increased muscle mass and size.

For bulking, it is important to consume more calories, intake more protein, and lift heavier weights.

Among the given factor, weight lifting and strength training are best helping in muscle building. Free weights increase resistance during workouts, the outcome is more muscle damage resulting in bigger muscle.

To avoid this, perform lighter bodyweight exercises, which help bulk up smaller leaner muscles.


The Best Arm Workouts Without Weights

Arm Workouts At Home To Reduce Flabby Arms work. However, understand spot reduction is a myth.

If you are to lose weight, your whole body will burn out a certain amount of fat from your body. In other words, focusing on workout for a certain body part, won’t deliver shocking results. It is more likely to backfire.

On the contrary, perform Best Arm Workouts Without Weights to get results. Also, focus on a full-body workout, perform more cardio to lose weight, and tone up your arms.

Decline Push-Ups

When it comes to arms muscle, nothing can beat the benefits of pushups. In fact, the push-up variations good arm workouts for women. The best part is it doesn’t require any heavy equipment, you can perform them anywhere at home.

For decline push-ups, use the edge of your bed, staircase, chair, couch, or entryway bench. Indeed, height is a choice of your comfort. So, don’t use high stuff that makes it difficult to perform. Here’s how to perform the Underarm Exercises Without Weights.

  • Begin on your hands and knees, put your hands on the floor, at a shoulder-width distance or a little more space.
  • Cautiously uplift your feet and put them onto the bench/couch/chair, or step. Go for a height that’s comfortable and doesn’t make it messy. Position yourself keeping your tones, hips, and shoulders in a straight line. Don’t drop or arch your hips.
  • Now, slowly lower down your chest by bending your elbows. Try looking at any sport to keep your head up. So, you don’t bang your forehead or nose on the floor. Don’t arch your back.
  • Next, push your body back into the initial position until your elbows are straight.
  • Repeat the arms workout without weight for 10 to 12 times in one set.

Triceps Dips

Looking for the best ways on how to tone arms but not build muscle, Triceps Dips may help. Likewise different push-ups variations, triceps are extensive arm workouts at home workouts. In fact, they just require a bit for furniture to perform.

Here’s how to get rid of flabby arms by performing Triceps Dips.

  • Sit down on the edge of a chair, bed, or couch. Hold the edge next to your hips. Now, extend your legs and spread your legs at hip-width distance. Meanwhile, make sure your heels are touching the floor.
  • Look straight while keeping your chip up. Press your palms with a tight grip to uplift your body so that your butt uplifts from the edge of the chair. This is your initial position.
  • Next, slowly lower down your body until your elbows bent between a 45 and 90 degrees angle.
  • Now, slowly push your body back to the initial position from this position and repeat.
  • For each set, perform the arm workout 12 times.

Plank Shoulder Taps

  • Begin in a high plant position. Keep your palms flat on the ground, your hands at a shoulder-width distance, your core engaged and legs extended behind you.
  • Uplift your right hand and take it across your body to tap the left shoulder. Meanwhile, make sure your core engages in the workout. Also, with each movement don’t forget to breathe.
  • Lower your right hand. Now, repeat the workout with your left hand. This is one rep.
  • Perform the arm workout without weight up to 15 reps or set a 15-30 seconds timer.


Inchworms are another best arm workout without weights. You need a proper form and use your body weight to perform them.

  • Stand still, with your feet at about hip-distance distance while engaging your core.
  • Bent forward at your hips and put your palms on the mat. Tilt your knees if required to put your palms flat on the floor.
  • Move your hands onward so that you get in high plank. Your shoulders should be stacked straight overhead your wrists.
  • If possible, perform one push-up while you are in the position.
  • Move your hands backward to your feet and get up. This is one rep.
  • Perform the arm workout 10 to 12 times.

Beginners should avoid performing pushups. In general, the original inchworm workout doesn’t include it

Plank Jacks

It would be best to use a timer for performing this arm workout.

  • Begin in a plank position while engaging your cores, hands under your shoulder arms, extended, and feet close together. Keep your body in a straight line, from heels to head.
  • Jump both feet out wide, as if you were performing jumping jacks, and instantly jump back to your feet together.
  • Make sure your back is straight and don’t sag your hips to the floor.

If you are a beginner, start by performing a 15-30 seconds timer. Moreover, when you are used to performing the arm workout, you can extend the exercise timing for a full minute.


Top At-Home Underarm Exercises Without Weights

Some workouts get you better results on the underarm. Obviously, performing such an exercise will make the hanging flesh will be no more your trouble.

Here are the top At-Home Underarm Exercises Without Weights!


Searching for ways on how to get rid of muscular arms in females? Push-ups are the best workout for getting rid of flabby arms if you are a beginner.

In fact, the single exercise targets your pecs, biceps, deltoids, triceps, and core. Here’s how to perform the Arms workout without weight

  • Get on the gym mat, position your hands at shoulders width apart
  • Extend your feet at a distance, so that you balance yourself on your hands and toes. Make sure you remain in a straight line from toe to head. Also, ensure you don’t sag or arch your back.
  • Support your core by constricting your abs and stiffen your core by bringing in your belly button in direction of your spine.
  • While bending your elbows slowly inhale, lower down your body until your elbows at a 90-degree angle.
  • Exhale while contracting your chest muscle to get back in the initial position by pushing back through your hands. Don’t tighten your elbows, just keep them slightly tilted.
  • Repeat the workout 10 to 12 times as one set.

If you find it hard, you can perform push up on your knees instead of keeping your feet straight. Or, perform an inclined push-up where instead of lying on the floor, perform it against a table or a couch.

Kickboxing Punches

In general, kickboxing exercises need a punching bag. Still, you can perform the workout without needing it.

Here’s how to tone your arms without building muscle by performing Kickboxing…

  • Start in a standing position. Bring your right foot forward, keep your elbows bent, get your hands in fists on either side of your chin.
  • Punch your right arm forward by rotating your fist down while making sure you haven’t tightened your elbow. Now, punch your left arm, move your left hip, uplift your heel off the ground. Next, get your arms to bring to the original position.
  • Push your hips back and get into a squat, jump up and move 180 degrees in the air, get to the ground with your left foot forward.
  • Instantly repeat the entire workout on the left side.
  • Continue performing the workout for 1 minute.

Up and Down Planks

  • Begin in a high plank with your palms flat, your hands at a shoulder-width distance, shoulders set directly on your wrist, legs spread behind you, and your glutes and core engaged. Keep your feet at hip-width distance.
  • Dropdown your left arm so that your forearm is on the ground. Afterward, repeat the same workout with your right while getting in a forearm plank.
  • Reverse to get back into a high plank. It is 1 rep.
  • As you move, make your hips are still as much as possible. to make it simpler, widen your legs a little bit more.

Reverse Plank with Leg Lift

  • Sit tall keeping your legs widened in front of you. Put your hands flat to the mat behind yourself, fingers facing in.
  • Now, press into your hands and fit to uplift your torso while creating a straight line from head to toes.
  • In a slow and precise manner, raise your right leg to the ceiling and keep it there for 2-3 seconds before putting it down.
  • Repeat this same exercise on the left leg.
  • Perform the workout 10 times on each leg. This is one set.

Downward Dog to Push-Up

  • Start in an all-fours position by keeping your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. While performing the workout, engage your core, raise your knees and straighten both of your legs as your head lowers between your biceps and gets into an inverted V-shape.
  • Make sure your arms and back align while your hips raise up to the ceiling. Your heels should not touch the ground. Still, you should feel a good stretch in the back of your legs.
  • From the initial position, raise your right hand and get back to tap your left toes. Let your torso move so you can tap your tones naturally. If you can’t get to your tones, tap your knees or your shin.
  • Get back to the downward dog and move into a high plank or modified plank. Indeed, to do so, getting lower down to your knees to the ground.
  • From your high plank, perform a push-up by tilting both of your arms at the elbows and lowering down your chest to the ground smoothly.
  • Push back to get into the plank position. Now, pike your hips to get into your downward dog. Now, raise your left hand and tap your right tones.
  • Next, get into a plank and do another pushup. Afterward, continue your downward dog, to toe tap, and repeat the entire movement to push up progression.

These were the top ways on how to lose arm fat without getting bulky. You can perform all the workouts mentioned above to get your arms slimmer.

However, it’s best to start slowly and try one or two activities as your body can sustain. Also, ask your trainer what more to add to your training program for better results.


Is Exercising Enough For Getting Toned Arms? 

Undoubtedly, workouts are necessary for toning your arms in the first place. However, only performing exercises won’t lead to desirable results. Other factors have a crucial role when it comes to getting results.

Here’s what you need to look at…

#1. Your Diet Should Include More Protein

Having more protein is good for muscle building. In fact, it is a major contributor when it comes to greater strength and immense muscle mass. Also, it is remarkable for muscle preservation when consumed on a routine basis.

It helps maintain energy balance and prevent muscle loss. Because it takes longer to get digested, it keeps you fuller for longer. In short, you would be snacking lesser than normal.

#2. Have More Complex Carbs

All carbs aren’t the same. Indeed, complex carbs are more beneficial for goals like muscle building or toning. These are present in peas, whole grains, beans, and vegetables. Moreover, they are a better alternative to the simple carbs present in pizza, white bread and pasta, and candies.

#3. Sleep More

After strenuous workouts, it is important to have adequate sleep. Surprisingly, muscle healing takes place mostly when you are in resting mode. When you perform a hardcore workout without taking a rest, it stresses your physique interrupting healthy body functions.

Hence, not only your muscle-building process breaks down but also your health deteriorates. Thus, make sure you sleep for 7 to 9 hours daily.

#4. Integrate Weights in Your Training Program

One of the crucial factors to your workout is weight. In fact, integrating weights contribute better muscle toning.

Wondering, “how can I tone my arms without gaining muscle?”

By involving heavier weights in your workout can get you bigger massive muscles. It equally contributes to muscle toning.

The segment shares the side health required for toning your abs. apart from performing arms workouts, make sure you keep track of your diet as well.

Include more complex carbs and protein to get better support for muscle toning. Focus on a full workout program for your ultimate workout goals.

Lastly, we have left you with a summed-up overview of how to tone arms without gaining muscle.


Summing Up

If you are thinking, “how to tone arms without gaining muscle,” you need to know it’s nearly impossible.

Of course, it is the full workout program that gets you the ultimate weight loss results, fat shredding, muscle build-up, or different fitness goals.

In terms of arms toning, people think performing arms focused workout may help. However, it is the full workout program and how it impacts your body.

Here’s how to tone arms without gaining muscle!

  • First, follow the arms workout without weights at home shared up
  • Next, keep track of your diet. Have more complex carbs and proteins to support your dynamic nutritional requirement for your muscle toning program.
  • Try involving more weights in your workout if possible. the greater resistance the greater would be your results.

These tips are good for anyone looking to enhance their arms muscle. However, if you are someone with a medical condition, consult with your doctor before changing your lifestyle and training program.

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