How to Build Abs That Last | Best Workout for Six Pack Abs

how to build abs

Everyone Wants to Build Six-Pack Abs but Not Everyone Can!

Before you start to judge, building great abs is hard enough, but the unfortunate and cruel twist of fate is that this isn’t even the toughest part.

The toughest part of developing those biscuits would be keeping the abs. Far too often, ab workouts involve intensive training which is just too much to maintain over a long period.

What’s more, this is often combined with a diet that strips away fat – but causes it to pile back on as soon as you get back to your normal routine.

Though the recipe for six-pack abs isn’t that complicated, you still can’t expect things to happen overnight. 

But what you can do is know the ins and outs of how to build abs with a powerful routine that lasts. 

To help you with that, here’s a simple routine that hits the three major muscle groups required for great abs:

  • rectus abdominis
  • transverse abdominis
  • obliques

Along with it are some pro tips that will ensure you’re incorporating each one of them with precision. 


How To Build Abs with No Equipment?

Start Using This Routine & You’ll Have ‘Abs for Days’. 

1. Leg Crossover Crunches

To start with, we’ll be hitting the rectus abdominis along with the oblique. Lie flat on the floor and then lie one leg over the top of the other, pointing off to one side at a right angle.

Immediately, this has the effect of isolating the abs. Often when we perform sit-ups, we do so by folding at the waist – which simply leads to us using our hip flexors rather than our actual abs.

With the leg across your body this way, you’ll be forced to ‘roll’ up the abs which ensure you get the right workout in.

And at the same time, having your waist bent this way ensures you’ll be using the obliques as well. This awesome ripped detail down either side of your abs for a really cut-looking mid-section.


2. Plank Knees to Chest

Holding the plank is an excellent exercise for training the transverse abdominis. This requires you to keep your body rigid for an extended period of time and that in turn means that the band of muscle around your waist will stay fixed and strong. Over time this will result in your stomach becoming much flatter.


3. Reverse Crunches

To perform reverse crunches, you will start lying on the ground on your back with your legs out straight. Now, instead of rolling your upper body up to meet your feet, you’re going to do the opposite and lift your legs up. Remember to do this with a crunching motion so that you’re rolling and not folding.

As you do this, you will get excellent focus on your lower abs and to finish off the move you’ll keep your hands flat on the floor and push your toes straight up to the ceiling. This moves the focus to the top of your abs for a rare move that will hit the full range of motion.

Repeat this routine three times with no break in between – the plank will serve as active recovery. Perform 10-15 reps of each exercise and see if you can beat your time each day!

These exercises originate in the core; hence, prioritizing them in your everyday abs workout routine can deliver major benefits. 

Moving on, adding the right exercise is good but is it enough? 

Not really!

You need to multitask and focus on other things as well to easily get six-pack abs.


Pro Tips On How To Build Abs for Male and Females

Undoubtedly, workouts are important if you want to build abs, but that’s just one piece of a big puzzle. 

To complete the picture, you need other pieces which include diet and discipline. 

Here are some effective tips to consider and add to the ab workout routine for men and women both. 


#1. Keep a Track Of Your Diet

As much as working out is important, eating right is equally crucial. 

To achieve and sustain six-pack abs, you need to maintain a lower body fat percentage. 

Here’re certain tips that can help you burn body fat and also stay energized enough to work out and build muscle. 

  • Maintain a calorie-deficit diet
  • Lean proteins like seeds, legumes, dairy, fish, chicken, and pork will improve satiety and assist in muscle repair.
  • Replace Junk temptation with healthy snacks like protein bars. 
  • Munch on fruits and veggies to increase fiber consumption
  • Restrain from overeating and start eating small portions at regular intervals. 
  • Stay hydrated 
  • Try to include high-carb, low-fat, and moderate protein food items 3-4 hours before you hit the gym. 
  • Include protein and carbohydrate snacks 1 hour after training to replenish the energy. 

It’s hard to wonder if these diet tips, when accompanied by the right abs workout, fail to deliver results. 


#2. Don’t Forget to Do Cardio

There is always some room for incorporating cardio into your workout regime. 

When looking to burn fat and calories, you can blindly trust cardio activities. 

Doing cardio can help achieve the right body fat percentage for your abs goals. 

According to a study, a 12-week aerobic and abdominal strength training exercise program which included healthy and sedentary Nigerian adults showed a reduction in abdominal adiposity 

You can include High-Intensity Interval Training to induce fat burn and boost metabolism. 


#3. Stick To Slow and Steady gets the Abs

Things aren’t going to change overnight and that’s a fact.

It is nearly impossible to get those biscuits even by doing the best abs exercises vigorously. 

In the craze to carve your core muscles, never starve yourself or work out putting extra and unnecessary pressure on your body. 

Doing things strenuously will put your body in a state of shock and instead of crafting an attractive physique, you’ll end up getting in troublesome health. 

Apart from the right diet and exercise, the right state of mind is also important to get the desired results in the desired time. 


#4. Boost your Results with Supplements

You can only add supplements to accelerate the process, but cannot rely on them to deliver the results without any hard work. 

Though many will say supplements aren’t really a great choice, here by supplement we mean protein shakes, and vitamins and not steroids and SARMs. 

Supplements like:

  • Creatine: Increases ATP and helps with heavy workouts
  • Multi-vitamins: Helps accomplish the daily requirement of nutrients
  • Whey Protein: Increases protein intake and assists in muscle gains
  • Fat burners: Boosts metabolism, burns calories, and leads to fat loss

You may also read >> The Difference Between Creatine and Whey Protein

These are great options if you want to accelerate the process. These supplements can be of great help for those merely relying on the best abs workout at home without equipment. 

Nonetheless, adding supplements is absolutely a personal choice and one must consult their dietitian and doctor especially if they have some underlying health concerns.

As attractive as abs look, they require an equally creatively crafted workout and diet regime. 

You can easily get to your desired abs look and successfully maintain it if you follow the right technique and tips. 


Concluding Thoughts

No doubt six-pack abs are one attractive way to showcase your ripped physique. 

Not only girls but even boys go gaga over well-toned abs. 

Although anyone can commit to making those abs it’s not everyone’s cup of tea to stick until the end results are visible. 

Anyone can tell you about the best abs workout at home and the gym but only a few know how to build a powerful abs workout routine that actually works. 

By adding these exercises and tips, you now know the secrets of developing abs easily and maintaining them flawlessly. 

More workout on Abs: Standing Plank for 6 Pack Abs & How to do?

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