Is Beetroot Good for Building Muscle? The Truth Revealed!

How to Use Beetroot for Bodybuilding

Is Beetroot a new-age natural way to build a massive bulky physique? Well, it seems Yes!

Gym buff. It’s time to grab the attention of synthetic additives to enhance gym gains. Naturally occurring components have a lot more to employ without any side effects. 

This earthy gem has plenty of health benefits that most nutritionists suggest combining into the diet.

But do you know how to use beetroot for bodybuilding and what benefits it can offer? 

Several studies have shown that diets rich in vegetables like beets have a significant impact on body functions during exercise. Furthermore, there are plenty of health supplements nowadays that combine it as one of their ingredients.

So, what property of the so-called root has made the bodybuilding ace supplement? Dive in to clear all the doubts and get to know how to use beetroot for bodybuilding. 


Key Factors

  • Beetroot is a safe and natural muscle-building supplement with an excellent nutritional profile. 
  • Being rich in nitrates, beetroot enhances the blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles during exercise.
  • Nowadays dehydrated beetroot powder has been also used in the top-notch muscle-building supplement. 
  • Clinical trials assure that this anti-inflammatory warrior will soothe your muscles and have you back in the gym faster.
  • Consuming beetroot can help bulk as well, along with building muscle mass. 


Beetroot – Nutritional Profile

Beetroot is increasingly recognized as a valuable addition to a muscle-building regimen. This is because of the unparalleled nutritional profile it has got. Yeah, you read it right!

The nutritious fruit contains absolute 0mg Cholesterol and Saturated fat making it a healthy option to binge. 

  • Total Fat 0.2 g
  • Sodium 78 mg
  • Potassium 325 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 10 g
  • Dietary fiber 2.8 g
  • Granulated Sugar 7 g
  • Protein 1.6 g
  • Vitamin C 8% of the DV
  • Iron 4% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6   5% of the DV
  • Magnesium is 5% of the DV
  • Folate: 20% of the Daily Value (DV)

Certainly, it’s the powerhouse with low calories that you need while being on a muscle-building journey. Step ahead to see how can you use beetroot for bodybuilding for better outcomes. 


How to Use Beetroot for Bodybuilding?

Undoubtedly, Beetroot has an incredible nutritional profile that combines essential nutrients particularly known for bodybuilding benefits. Well, there is a significant difference you can feel when combining the beet extract in your diet.

While, combining it as a pre-workout, the benefit of beetroot for muscle growth may be slightly different as compared to post-workout. You will get it more when get a described analysis of the same.

Head up to get to know what happens when you take beet juice before a workout.


As a Pre-workout 

Taking beet as a pre-workout can be beneficial. Beets are rich in nitrates which ensures the stimulated flow of blood in the muscle.

Consuming beetroot juice or a beetroot supplement about 1-2 hours before your workout enhances exercise performance.

The nitrates in beetroot can increase nitric oxide levels, potentially improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles. 

Studies have shown that nitric oxide is synthesized by NOS-dependent and -independent pathways and helps in enhancing performance during exercise, improves healing, and improves respiratory response.

How Many mg of Beetroot for Pre-Workout?

While considering beetroot for a pre-workout there are significant factors you must consider.

Consuming beetroot for pre-workout and ensuring optimum dosage is also important.

Usually, the serving size of beetroot powder ranges from 500 to 3000 milligrams, and one should consider taking it 1-2 hours before training.

Keeping a balance of daily dosage is recommended as a higher dosage may lead to adverse side effects.

All in all, taking beetroot extract for pre-workout is good as it boosts your athletic performance.  However, if you’re considering it in raw form like vegetable or juice make sure you’re taking enough time gap before training for digestion. 

Forget creatine, go for beet-ine! The newest approach to jacked up like never before! 

>>> Best Bodybuilding Supplement


As a Post Workout 

Indeed, Beetroot can also be one of the perfect go-to supplements as a post-workout option.

Since after a workout, our body needs to recover. Thanks to the nitrate inside the beetroot it may help in recovery too. Nitric oxide supports potent blood flow that potentially aids in the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to muscles during the recovery phase.

Additionally, studies have given enough evidence that it also helps in healing the muscles faster and even reduces inflammation. Furthermore, beetroots are rich in antioxidants that can help combat oxidative stress induced by intense workouts.

How Many Mg of Beetroot for Post-Workout?

Well, the dosage remains the same as pre-workout but you’ll get the relaxing beetroot extract benefits as well.

Try to consume beetroot in minimum dosage first to get to know whether it’s effective or not.

After a strenuous workout, oxidative stress can lead to muscle damage, but the antioxidants in beet aid in reducing this damage and supporting muscle recovery. However, considering the dosage reminder is indeed as excessive intake of the supplement may cause negative downsides too. 

Consuming beetroot after a workout can’t be more challenging, you can prefer either raw or beetroot juice as well.

One of the most common ways to get beetroot in optimum dosage is to combine a beetroot supplement. But before that, let’s check out why you should consider beetroot for bodybuilding. 


Why is Beetroot Good for Bodybuilding?

Talking about the beetroot bodybuilding benefits, it can be an effective addition to enhance blood flow naturally.

There are plenty of other benefits that make you reassure yourself why you should consider beet root powder for bodybuilding.


#1. Greater Impact on Endurance

Undoubtedly, Beetroot juice increases levels of nitric oxide (NO), which serves multiple functions related to increased blood flow.

A study was performed by a 5-min test at an intensity of 50% VO2max and a 10-km test. The observation revealed that there is an ergogenic effect of supplementation with beetroot juice which supports great endurance in athletes.


#2. Improves Athletic performance

The research was performed with 2000-m ergometer-rowing performance in highly trained athletes to investigate their workout intensity.

As a result, it is found that it is well-suitable for improving efficiency and performance. The supply of nitric oxide ensures the availability of blood flow making it great for improving athletic performance. 


#3. Reduce Oxidative stress

Red beetroot has been in the medicinal use forever. Several pieces of evidence support that it has the health-promoting property.

Being a good source of nitrate it assures a natural means of increasing in vivo nitric oxide (NO) availability. Clinical trials confirmed that red beetroot supplementation has a positive effect on inflammation, oxidative stress, and cognition.  


#4. Improves Oxygen Capacity

For better muscle growth enough oxygen supply is indeed. To employ that, beetroot extract can be sufficient.

Further, a journal published that indicates that NO can potentiate the factors that limit performance which include metabolic oxidative as well. However, the volume of oxygen utilized at varying intensities improved greatly with beet juice consumption.


#5. Faster Recovery

Overall, beetroot extract benefits potent recovery too. The natural root is capable of reducing oxidative stress making it relaxing for muscles to get recovered easily.

Further, to get evidence two repeated-sprint tests were performed under which 20 male, team-sports players were randomized to receive BTJ. After 3 days, the recovery rate of males supplemented with BTJ recovered quickly as compared to PLA.

These all are indeed the most significant factors that one needs to be considered.

While there is scientific evidence that beetroot is quite helpful in boosting muscle growth, you can combine a potent muscle-building supplement.

There is plenty of muscle-building supplement that combines beetroot extract in optimum dosage.


Beetroot Supplements for Muscle Building

Choosing the best supplement has always been challenging as most people don’t have enough idea about its efficacy.

To ease your efforts, we’ve done some research and found three top-notch supplements with beetroot. 


#1. Ligan 4033

LIGAN 4033

Ligan 4033 by CrazyBulk is a safe and natural Ligandrol 4033 SARMs alternative. CrazyBulk is known to deliver supplements that mimic the behavior of steroids and SARMs without their nasty sides.

It’s one of the supplements that contains beetroot extract known for its muscle-building benefits. Unlike the SARM it is safe as well as has positive reviews.

Considering the CrazyBulk Ligan 4033 review, it’s effective for bulking. The legit  SARM delivers real training benefits by fueling users’ workouts with energy and stamina.

According to the manufacturer, it combines natural ingredients that also support healthy testosterone levels and muscle growth. Overall it certainly can be the best way to get started on your bulking journey naturally. 


#2. Stena 9009

STENA 9009

The supplement CrazyBulk Stena 9009 is also a SARM SR9009 alternative. The  SARM Stenabolic is known for the retention of lean muscle mass.

The natural alternative by CrazyBulk is known to increase your strength and endurance levels, giving you an edge while training.

Even though fitness freaks considered them the best SARMs for bulking as it helps them get good gains naturally. The best part of the Stena 9009 is that it does not mimic the nasty sides of the SARM.

As per the manufacturer, it offers plenty of benefits that include improved endurance, help in melting fat, as well as boosting stamina. 


#3. CrazyBulk Anadrole

Anadrole by CrazyBulk

Although Anadrol by Crazybulk is not a SARM alternative but a steroid Anadrol alternative.

The supplement is developed with a combination of natural components including beetroot extract to boost the gains.

As per the manufacturers, it mimics the positive sides of the steroids while neglecting the side effects that can be adverse to health. While comparing anadrol pros and cons it indeed can be the better option.

Since it promotes bulking without any adverse side effects you can also combine it with other bulking supplements.

The muscle-building pill helps in increasing red blood cell production, enabling it to shuttle more oxygen to your muscles. Additionally, it has also been shown to be effective in delaying fatigue and delivering immense muscle gains.

All in all, these three supplements can be the best way to combine a beetroot supplement into the diet. Since you’ve known how to use beetroot for bodybuilding results let’s conclude the discussion.


Final Note

In this complete analysis, we’ve found how to use beetroot for bodybuilding and how significantly it works in building muscle mass.

There is no denying that it’s one of the best natural ways to boost stamina, endurance as well as athletic performance. 

Well, although it is a natural component and is safe to consume if you’re considering it for bodybuilding.

Its high nitrate content can enhance athletic performance by improving blood flow, which may increase stamina and endurance during workouts. However, keeping an eye on the daily dosage will ensure the optimum benefits. 

Overall, including a natural remedy to boost strength and stamina to get better gains naturally.


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Alex C Abell
He is an innovative fitness training service provider inspiring people to create lives that are Healthy, Empowered, and Strong. He like to coach, lead, teach and work within a team that inspires action. Currently employed with the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury as a Gym Coach. Get Me on Social Channels: About Me | Instagram | Quora

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