Find Out! How to Stretch Out Tight Hamstrings?

best stretches for tight hamstrings

Having tight hamstrings is quite a pain no doubt!

Tight hamstrings are no more than a curse for runners, those who do yoga and like to ride a bike.

If you have super tight hamstrings, it not only affects your athletic performance but also leaves you with back issues.

A stiff hamstring makes you experience soul-snatching pain for real!

It happens not because you tried to touch your toe.

In fact, it is because your hamstrings are not working the way they should.

If you have been trying tight hamstring stretching exercises, you are not alone.

There are many people who are living with chronically tight hamstrings and don’t really know how to loosen them.

In addition to this, not many are aware of what are hamstring muscles and how to fix tight hamstrings.

Hence, we have come up with some of the best stretches for tight hamstrings that can help you loosen them.

But before that, let’s begin with basic information, which includes:

  • What are tight hamstrings?
  • What causes very tight hamstrings?

Without wasting any more time, let’s dig in.


What are the Hamstring Muscles and Their Actions?

The reason why many are not benefited from hamstring stretch is they don’t really know what are hamstring muscles.

Interestingly, although it may sound like one but the hamstring is a group of 3 muscles.

They start from the bottom of your pelvis and run back up to your thigh.

The hamstring muscles include:

  • Semitendinosus
  • Semimembranosus
  • Biceps femoris [Long head and short head]

Notably, hamstrings are attached to your pelvis and leg bone and cross 2 joints namely, the hip and knees.

It is because of this reason; that you are able to move. Active hamstrings allow you to:

  • Bend knees
  • Tilt pelvis
  • Dance
  • Run

Basically, all the smooth movements are because of your smooth hamstrings. Hence, it is important to loosen tight hamstrings.

At this point, you may think, why my hamstrings are tight in the first place?

To be honest, it’s not really hard to identify the hamstring tightness causes.


What Causes Tight Hamstrings?

Tight hamstrings and claves along with tight glutes are getting more common these days.

Interestingly, more men as compared to women end up asking “why are my hamstrings so tight”.

According to research,

A study examined the passive hamstring tissue stiffness and/or stretch tolerance between sexes.

Healthy 90 participants (45 men and 45 women) volunteered for this.

The findings of the study denoted that:

Through a common range of motion, women had less passive stiffness and better stretch tolerance.

Stretch tolerance was a predictor of total hamstring extensibility for men only.

The study further concludes that better hamstring extensibility in women is not associated with lower passive stiffness and stretch tolerance. Up against, lower extensibility in men is associated with a higher pain score.

Now, this was about the proofs, but the question still remains unanswered.

So, what Causes extremely tight hamstrings?

There are diverse causes of tight hamstrings. Some of them are as follows:

#1. Sedentary lifestyle

If you are a sofa spud, you are more likely to experience tight hamstrings.

It is vital to keep your hamstrings moving to avoid tight hamstring pain.


#2. You Have a Sitting Job

If you have a sitting job, your knees are always bent in a sitting position. Also, your hamstring muscles are shortly flexed.

It is important to keep changing your sitting position every 10-15 minutes.


#3. Over Exercising

You may not believe but over-exercising or overusing your hamstring muscle may make you experience tight hamstrings and knee pain.

Overdoing activities like cycling, running, prolonged sitting/standing cab result in the same.


#4. Poor Posture

While poor posture doesn’t seem like it can have a significant effect, it in fact does affect a lot.

If you sit with your hip and stomach pushed for long hours it can lead to extensive anterior pelvic tilt hence, you’ve tight hamstrings and hip flexors.


#5. Hamstring Injury

If you have suffered a hamstring injury in the past, it could be the reason why your hamstrings are always tight. People mostly end up injuring their hamstring muscles while their gym workouts.

The causes are pretty much related to your lifestyle unless you have faced any accident that left you with stiff hamstrings.

For the most part, muscle tightness is a signal that your body is witnessing some problems. Contrary to the common belief, that it’s an actual problem.

But why is it important to loosen tight hamstrings?

Although you may have an idea by now, the next section might make it just as it clearer.


Why is it Important to Have Loose Hamstrings?

Loose hamstrings have nothing but positive things to deliver.

Some of them are as follows:

#1. Increases Flexibility

Those who do yoga may find this familiar.

Loose hamstrings have a lot to contribute when it comes to making your body flexible. It increases the range of hip motion and even makes your day-to-day life easier.


#2. Prevents Lower Back Pain

One just cannot deny the relationship between tight hamstrings and lower back pain.

Tight hamstrings restrict the mobility of the pelvis. As a result, there is pressure on your lower back pain.

It is one of the painful consequences of tight hamstrings. However, with active hamstring stretch, you can get rid of it.


#3. Lowers The Chances Of Injury

It’s a common phenomenon that stiffness leads to pain and injury.

By the same token, stiff hamstring muscles can increase the chances of injury and muscle tear. As a result, it is vital to loosen your tight hamstrings.


#4. Improves Body Posture

If a tight hamstring is a reason behind your poor posture, there is no reason why you shouldn’t loosen it.

Poor posture for a longer duration may give rise to bone-related issues.

Nonetheless, loosening tight hamstrings can help you prevent that in the first place.


#5. Better Athletic Performance

This requires no argument. Unquestionably, if you are an athlete particularly a runner, a yoga practitioner, or a cyclist, tight hamstrings might not be the good news.

It can negatively affect your performance by limiting your stretch and raising soreness.

 Hamstrings support the majority of body movements. Thereupon, tight hamstrings can not only limit your movement but can cause pain. 

If that’s the case, how to loosen tight hamstrings?

There are numerous tight hamstring tendon exercises and stretches to provide relief.


How to Lose Tight Hamstrings with Exercises?

Tight hamstrings and knee pain accompanied by back pain are mostly because of a sedentary lifestyle and overexercise.

Most of the time, stiff hamstring muscles and hip flexors can be easily treated with stretches and exercises.

Besides, how you try to loosen your hamstrings depends upon what has caused it in the first place.

While sometimes it can be simply treated with a foam roller, it may also require proper exercise sometimes.

If you have stiff and painful hamstrings, you can start with some of the best hamstrings stretches for beginners.

On this note, let’s discuss some of the best stretches for tight hamstrings.


TOP 5 Best Stretches for Tight Hamstrings

If you find that your hamstrings are in poor shape, are sore, and stiff, these hamstring tightness exercises could be of great help.

#1. Tipover Tuck Hamstring Stretch

This hamstring stretch exercise is not only beneficial for your hips and back but also for your shoulders.

How to do Tipover Tuck Hamstring Stretch:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Interlace your hands behind your back.
  • Try to keep your legs straight and start to bend.
  • Meanwhile, keep your chin tucked downward and bring your hands above your head.
  • Relax the back of your neck and breathe comfortably.
  • If the stretch is too intense, release your hands and relax it on your thighs.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds and slowly get back to the starting position.
NOTE: Don’t try to force any stretch.


#2. Reclined Hamstring Stretch

This is among the best lying down hamstring stretches and it can benefit you with lower back pain.

It easily makes to the easy hamstring stretches list.

How to do Reclined Hamstring stretch:

  • Lie down on your back and bring any one of your legs straight up.
  • Keep your pelvis on the ground.
  • Meanwhile, hold your lower thigh (of the straight-up leg) and try to push your leg towards your head.
  • Try to hold the position for 10 seconds and then change the leg.
NOTE: You can use towels or resistance bands to straighten up your leg and hold the position easily.


#3. Forward Bend With Rounded Back

A forward bend with a rounded neck is one of the best way to stretch hamstrings.

Although it might take time to master this pose, it is surely of great benefit.

How to do Forward Bend With Rounded Neck:

  • Sit on the floor with legs extended in front.
  • Now bring your legs together and fold your torso.
  • Gently rounding your back try to touch the knee with your nose.
  • Meanwhile, try not to bend your knees.
  • Hold the position for only as long as you can.
NOTE: Don’t force yourself to touch the knee with your nose. Just try to bend maximum.


#4. Standing Hamstring Stretch

It is the best hamstring stretches for athletes.

In fact, you might have seen many of your athletes performing it. It is great to help stretch back of thigh.

How to do Standing hamstring Stretch:

  • To begin with, stand straight and comfortably.
  • Now extend your one leg and place it above the counter or bar placed at waist height or a little higher.
  • Slowly and carefully, bend your upper body towards the extended leg.
  • Breathe deeply as you bend and feel the stretch.
  • Now repeat the same with another leg.
NOTE: Don’t try to overdo it or else you might tear your hamstrings.


#5. Modified Hurdler Stretch

It might give you a basic vibe, yet it’s one of the best stretches for tight hamstrings.

No to mention, it’s great for those with really tight hamstrings.

How to do Modifier Hurdler Stretch:

  • Sit on the floor and straighten your left leg.
  • Now, bend the right knee and place the sole of it against the inner thigh of the left leg.
  • Fold over your left leg while keeping your back and left leg straight.
  • Meanwhile, try to hold your left toe with your left hand.
  • Hold it for 30 seconds then switch the leg.
NOTE: If you’re a beginner, only bend as much as you can comfortably. Not to mention, it’s more of a deep hamstring stretch, hence, don’t force yourself.

Now you know what exercises are good for tight hamstrings.

Hence, if you have strained hamstrings, a little stretching every day can do more benefits than you can ever imagine.

As well as that, people often take stretching lightly and fail to perform it correctly. This as result, can do more harm than benefit.

In this case, a few little tips might be of great help.


Best Stretches for Tight Hamstrings – Exercise Tips

There are high chances that many of the thighs you may do wrong while stretching your tight hamstrings.

At this point, keeping these tips in mind might save your day and muscles!

# Tip 1: Don’t Force Any Stretch!

This is the first and foremost rule for any stretching you do. Especially if you are a beginner, never try to force any stretch.

You may feel like you can stretch a little more with some force, however, try not to do it.

Even a minor excessive strain for which your body is not ready now can harm your hamstrings.


#Tip 2: Loosen Up your Body First

Many people perform stretching as a warm-up. However, it’s recommended to do some non-stretching warm-up exercises like jumping-jack before attempting to stretch.

People who claim to witness lower back pain after stretching hamstrings, it’s because of a lack of warm-up.


#Tip 3: Try One Technique At a Time

There is not just one best way to loosen hamstrings. You can use foam rollers, balls, and contract-relax stretching.

However, be mindful to perform only one stretching technique at a time.

The reason is, that trying a technique at a time, can help find out which works the best for you.


#Tip 4: Don’t Hold Stretches For Too Long

Even if you are performing hamstring stretches for beginners, avoid holding any stretching position for more than 1-15 seconds.

You can gradually increase the time and hold it for 20-30 seconds.

However, in the beginning, it’s recommended to avoid holding long stretches.

On the whole, performing these best stretches for tight hamstrings is not really hard. All you have to do is follow the instructions and keep the tips in mind.

And that’s it you are good to get rid of those sore hamstring muscles.


Final Analysis

Tight hamstrings can restrict your mobility. It can also affect the smoothness of your body’s movement.

You may find it difficult to run, sit and stand quickly, dance, and stepping the stairs would be a tough task.

If continued to stiff hamstrings, you may end up injuring either your hips or your knees.

It’s best to try some of the above-mentioned best stretches for tight hamstrings and fix tight hamstrings for smooth mobility.

If you have been looking for what is the fastest way to loosen tight hamstrings, well, now you know it all.

If you liked the blog, don’t forget to share it with those living with tight hamstrings and lower back pain.


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