Moringa Benefits for Men – Does It Increase Testosterone Levels?

does moringa boost testosterone

Recently, a native Indian shrub – Moringa has been grabbing all the attention because of its high nutrient content. 

Moringa, drumstick, or Moringa Oleifera has been used for decades for medicinal purposes.

The different parts of the plant including its leaves, seeds, pods, flowers, stem, and bark can be used to prevent and treat numerous health problems. 

It is because moringa is rich in 16 amino acids, 22 minerals, and essential vitamins for keeping your body healthy. 

Hence, people have been wondering does moringa boost testosterone? 

Undoubtedly, the “magic tree” is packed with essential nutrients making it a promising candidate for promoting men’s health. However, Can moringa boost testosterone, is a completely different story. 

Therefore, this blog discusses whether the moringa benefits for men are hyped or does the tree deserves all the attention it is getting. 


Key points

  • Moringa has an extremely high nutritional value which gives it the tag of a “magic tree” and “superfood”.
  • Moringa benefits for men include improved prostate health, erectile dysfunction, fertility issues, and blood sugar control. 
  • The link between moringa and testosterone is not clearly established. This is because there is no scientific evidence to show the positive effect of moringa on testosterone levels in humans.
  • If not for testosterone, you can include moringa for uplifting your overall health and wellness. 


Does Moringa Increase Testosterone?

Before we delve into the effects of moringa on testosterone levels, let’s first take a look at the nutritional value of moringa that gives it the tag of “superfood”. 

Nutritional Value of Moringa

As per the Internal Journal of Food Science, moringa has 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 15 times more potassium than bananas, 25 times more iron than spinach, 9 times more protein than yogurt, 17 times more calcium than milk, and 10 times more vitamin A than carrots. 

Adding to it, moringa also includes bioactive compounds like flavonoids and phenolic acids, and anti-oxidants such as Quercetin. 

Now let’s root around to unearth if these nutrients in moringa increase testosterone levels. 

A lot of companies selling moringa powder claim it to be a testosterone booster.

However, though it has a decent source of nutrients there is limited scientific research shedding light on its direct impact on testosterone levels. 

Adding to it, there is no one straight answer to does moringa boosts testosterone. There are numerous animal studies but no scientific evidence on humans. 


Study #1: Moringa Leaf Extract Enhances Sexual Performance in Stressed Rats

This is among the famous studies regarding testosterone boosting effects of moringa.

In the study, male Wistar rats were orally given the 10, 50, and 250 mg/kg body weight of moringa extracts before exposure to 12 h-immobilization stress for 7 days. 

After the 7- days of treatment, the results showed an increase in serum testosterone levels. (source)

Though testosterone levels increase, this can happen with any antioxidants.

Immobilization increases oxidative damage and anti-oxidants work to reduce the damage and preserve hormone molecules. It is also to be noted that animals were forcefully immobilized for 12 hours to create a stressful situation. 

While this study has helped manufacturers successfully market their products as testosterone boosters, another research might make you rethink your decision about taking moringa for testosterone. 


Study #2: Moringa Oleifera Seeds Extract Decreased Testosterone Levels

In a study, an aqueous extract of Moringa Oleifera leaves exerts male reproductive toxicity and also reduces testosterone levels. 

The study includes orally supplementing male Wistar rats with Methanol or hexane fractions (50 and 100 mg/kg) of moringa seeds for 6 weeks. 

As per the result, there was a significant decrease in the testosterone, luteinizing hormone, sperm motility, and sperm count of treated rats when compared with controls.

Clearly, the supplement is understudied regarding its role in boosting testosterone levels. So despite the conclusive evidence that moringa can boost testosterone, is it still advisable to consume it?

Yes, because it has tons of nutrients that can treat the nutritional deficiencies which are one of the causes of testosterone decline. Adding to it, the benefits of moringa for men are beyond testosterone boost. 


Moringa Benefits for Men

If not for boosting testosterone levels, you can make the most of the nutritional value of moringa by unlocking its 5 benefits for men. 


#1. Fertility

Moringa seeds and leaves have antioxidant properties that inhibit free radical damage responsible for adversely affecting sperm production and causing sperm DNA damage. 

A study where 20 male albino rats were treated with 200mg/kg of moringa extract, showed a significant increase in sperm count. 

Other numerous animal studies involving rats and rabbits have shown that moringa leaf extract can increase sperm count, mobility, and semen production.


#2. Prostate Health

Men looking to improve their prostate health can surely include moringa in their diet because it contains glucosinolates. 

This plant compound rich in sulfur has a major role in anticancer properties.

In the study, the administration of moringa Oleifera successfully prevented testosterone-induced benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in male Sprague-Dawley rats. x

Therefore, considering prostate cancer affects 13 out of every 100 men, moringa extract can be used as a natural medicine to prevent it. 


#3. Muscle Growth

Since moringa contains 19 essential amino acids, it is a great plant-based source of protein. Therefore, it is bound to deliver excellent muscle-building and repairing benefits. 

Adding to it, moringa also contains 111% of the recommended DV of potassium and 60% of the daily recommended value of magnesium.

Both of these nutrients are essential for building muscles. 

A study reports a reversal of dexamethasone-induced functional impairment in skeletal muscles in test animals after treating them with M. oleifera leaf extract and exercise. Moreover, moringa is also rich in calcium and can improve bone health as well. 


#4. Erectile Dysfunction

Whether or not moringa can boost your testosterone levels, it can surely treat erectile dysfunctions. 

Erectile dysfunction is the result of irregular blood flow, high blood pressure, fat in the blood, and stress. 

Interestingly, moringa contains polyphenols that increase the production of nitric oxide and enhance blood flow. Meanwhile, it also decreases high blood pressure. 


#5. Controls Blood Sugar

Diabetes is more common in men in comparison to women because their bodies have a tendency to store harmful fat around the abdomen. 

This affects insulin production and increases the risk of diabetes. Moringa on the other hand improves insulin production and secretion and brings back the sugar to healthy levels. 

These moringa benefits for men are enough to make you add them to your daily diet.

However, it has less bioavailability due to anti-nutrients. Therefore, you must consume it in a certain quantity to avoid toxicity.


How Much Moringa Should Men Take Daily?

There are multiple ways to consume moringa. You can consume its leaves in curry or smoothies, seeds, stems, and supplements. 

It’s recommended to consume around 50-70 grams of moringa leaves every day. However, if you are consuming moringa tablets, start with 250 – 500 mg capsules. 

Thorough moringa is safe for most people, but it might interact with some medications like diabetes and high blood pressure. 

Also, it has laxative properties which can lead to upset stomach and diarrhea in some. 

Therefore, if you are consuming moringa in its natural form, be sure to use it in the recommended dosage. 

Moringa is an excellent supplement for men looking to boost their overall health.

Nonetheless, if you are using moringa to boost testosterone, there are better alternatives in the market for faster results.


Natural Testosterone Supplements

Natural testosterone-boosting supplements designed to boost the primary male hormones are one of the best ways. 

But there are a lot of testosterone boosters in the market and hence, you need to choose the one that is effective, safe, natural, and affordable as well. 

CrazyBulk TestoMax ticks all the checkboxes and tops the list of the best natural testosterone boosters. 

With its 11 natural ingredients and vital minerals, the supplement has supported maximum natural t-levels. 

After going through Crazy Bulk Testo-Max reviews, 92% of the users have noticed an increase in their muscle growth and strength, 96% have improved daily energy and stamina, and 86% have a noticeable increase in fat loss. 

It destroys the increasing cortisol levels, increases the flow of healthy androgens, and enhances protein synthesis to show its effect.  

So, if you don’t want to indulge in the hassle of measuring natural ingredients and then incorporating them into your diet, simply switch to testosterone boosters. And for overall health benefits include moringa powder. 



Moringa is a versatile plant that can treat around 300 health ailments. It is no less than a gift to the humans.

However, none of the studies and research shows any convincing link between moringa and testosterone. 

Though there are animal studies in support, most of them lack an explanation and do not support a positive impact on humans.

Moreover, even though its nutritional profile highlights numerous possible benefits of moringa for men, to clearly understand if moringa can boost testosterone levels in humans requires a lot of research. 

In case you’re already using moringa or its supplements don’t expect a testosterone boost rather, use it to improve your overall health.

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Alex C Abell
He is an innovative fitness training service provider inspiring people to create lives that are Healthy, Empowered, and Strong. He like to coach, lead, teach and work within a team that inspires action. Currently employed with the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury as a Gym Coach. Get Me on Social Channels: About Me | Instagram | Quora

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