Which Foods Increase Testosterone the Most? A Complete List

testosterone boosting foods

Testosterone levels may be impacted by different factors of life. However, majorly what we eat matters the most!

There are plenty of foods you’re incorporating in the diet that may affect your testosterone levels negatively. Therefore, you need to know about the testosterone-boosting food that supports the natural production of the hormone. 

Testosterone is a hormone primarily in humans, but for males, it’s the essential hormone that affects their other secondary characteristics. 

They are not significantly boosted all the time but maintaining a healthy lifestyle may help in improving them in the bloodstream. 

What you eat may give you the chance to keep it constant and reduce the chances of age-related testosterone decline in men. While food doesn’t directly contain testosterone, certain foods can help support healthy testosterone levels in the body.

Let’s find out some of the testosterone-boosting foods in detail. 


10 Testosterone Boosting Foods to Increase Your T Levels

Incorporating foods that are highly nutritious and have a positive hand in boosting testosterone levels.

Regarding food, several nutrients can influence testosterone levels. Adequate intake of zinc, found in foods like oysters, organ meat, poultry, and nuts, supports healthy testosterone production.  

Here are 10 foods that are often associated with supporting healthy testosterone levels:


#1. Oyster 

oyster extract

Oyster is not just a seafood that satisfies your palate, but it also helps in boosting testosterone levels.

Studies have proven that oysters are rich in zinc, which intentionally manages testosterone stimulation. 

A study performed to know the influence of zinc on serum testosterone suggests that zinc deficiency reduces testosterone levels and zinc supplementation improves testosterone levels.

Further, Oyster also contributes other minerals that have a great impact on managing hormonal health and inhibiting hormonal fluctuations. Sometimes, fitness freaks also consume oyster extract for a testosterone boost and gain muscle mass instantly.


#2. Tuna

Tuna is another favorite option for seafood lovers, which is filled with health benefits.

It is one of the best sources of vitamin D. Research has shown that the mineral is usually known for its bone and muscle health properties. 

But it also plays an important role in boosting testosterone. Vitamin D supplementation greatly influences the male primary hormone and may increase testosterone levels naturally. 

Moreover, tuna is also high in protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. Optimal muscle mass contributes to overall hormonal balance, including testosterone levels.


#3. Eggs

Eggs are a great dietary source for supporting healthy testosterone levels. They contain various nutrients beneficial for hormone production.

This protein food is also a good source of omega-3 and vitamins which is important for keeping the testosterone levels in check. There are many scientific studies to back this claim. 

Also, according to a study consuming whole eggs before a workout can boost testosterone levels up to the peak. This somehow fuels your workout giving you more stamina to push yourself beyond the limit.

Well, consuming eggs wisely is also suggested because may a few of you don’t know but egg yolks lower testosterone.


#4. Bananas


When it comes to the best testosterone-boosting food, we can’t just step ahead without mentioning bananas.

A less caloric food that contributes plenty of health benefits along with improving testosterone levels.

Having daily 3 or 4 bananas regularly may increase your testosterone levels significantly. This is because, banana is rich in potassium and several other essential nutrients, which play an important role in boosting T-levels.

Also, it’s an easy-to-get fruit that is rich in an enzyme called bromelain to increase energy and endurance in the body.

This further improves energy and endurance and will help you lift better, which as a result improves testosterone. 


#5. Organ Meat

Most of us don’t focus on eating organ meat because of its strong flavor.

Muscle meat is indeed beneficial for your health and if you’re into bodybuilding it’s actually the best thing you are missing out on.

Highly nutritious and filled with plenty of essential vitamins and minerals it is one of the optimum foods to boost testosterone.  

Studies have also shown that organ meat intake is positively related to total sperm count and sperm concentration.

To get the answer to “Do organ meats increase testosterone” you can also go through the explanation of experts. Health professionals suggest liver is one the best testosterone booster foods because it is rich in vitamin D and other nutrients. It also contains oQ10 which boosts energy levels and helps you lift more heavy in the gym.


#7. Onion


Onions contain certain compounds that might have a positive impact on testosterone levels.

They are a good source of nutrients like vitamin C, antioxidants, and some trace minerals, which can contribute to overall health.

It is full of numerous health benefits and supporting the production of testosterone is one of them. This flavorful veggie increases nitric oxide which helps improve performance and also enhances antioxidants in the testes. 

Furthermore, a study published in biomolecule suggests that Onion enhances testosterone by increasing the production of luteinizing hormone and by protecting the testes from the damaging effects of free radicals. 


#7. Whey Protein

Whey is one of the most consumed and talked about foods in the fitness industry. It supports muscle growth and recovery by providing protein.

But gym bros are not aware of the fact that it is also good for boosting Testosterone levels.

Whey protein contains essential amino acids, particularly leucine. This particularly supports protein synthesis.

Building and maintaining muscle mass through adequate protein intake can indirectly support healthy testosterone levels.

When muscles are well-nourished and exercised, it can positively influence hormone balance, including testosterone. So, don’t get muddled for “Can Whey protein increase testosterone” because it actually does. 


#8. Brazil Nuts

brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are also quite a popular name when we talk about nuts that boost testosterone levels.

They are found to be effective in boosting testosterone levels due to their high selenium content.

Basically, selenium is a mineral that significantly improves hormonal function and positively influences testosterone levels in men.

According to the study performed on subfertile men with low selenium status, it has been found that selenium supplementation can improve sperm motility.  Furthermore, Brazil nuts can also improve heart health and promote healthy thyroid function.


#9. Ginger

In many parts of the world, people use ginger as a medicinal herb.

This famous salad dressing is full of beneficial nutrients like zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin E. All of these are great antioxidants that play an important role in boosting testosterone and other bodily functions.

Research published in Biomolecule claims that ginger enhances testosterone in 3 ways:

  • Firstly, it improves luteinizing Hormone production.
  • Secondly, it increases cholesterol in the testes and
  • Lastly, it reduces the oxidative stress in the body.


#10. Seeds


Adding seed mix to your diet is not a new approach.

But guess what, your favorite pair of seed mixes can now also help boost testosterone levels. There are plenty of Seeds to boost testosterone naturally. 

Some of the common seeds you can add you your diet include, pumpkin, sunflower, and chia. This is because most of them are rich in essential minerals and nutrients to boost testosterone levels.

The common minerals found in these seeds that improve testosterone production include Vitamin E, Zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Significantly, we’ve seen how these testosterone-boosting foods help enhance the natural production of the hormone. However, apart from this, there are also some other significant ways to boost testosterone levels in men. 


Other Ways to Boost Testosterone

Relying on foods is definitely a significant approach to boosting testosterone levels naturally.

Here are some ways to boost testosterone levels in the body apart from adding some foods to your daily diet.

1: Try Plant-Based Superfood

Nowadays the trend of healthy living is on par, so why are you compromising?

Add some plant-based superfoods that are rich in essential nutrients and minerals to boost testosterone levels. Some of them are:

  • Spirulina
  • Ashwagandha
  • Moringa
  • Matcha

Some also ask “Does seaweed boost testosterone”, so, yeah it does. Because of the availability of essential nutrients and minerals, it does encourage the production of testosterone.

2: Lift Weights

Resistance exercises are one of the best ways to boost T-levels in the body. You can go for HIIT training for more effectiveness.  Engaging in resistance training, such as weightlifting, has been shown to increase testosterone production.

3: Manage stress

As we discussed earlier the stress hormone cortisol has the power to lower testosterone levels. Managing stress can indeed have a positive impact on testosterone levels. Chronic stress can elevate cortisol levels, which, in turn, can suppress testosterone production in men.

4: Improve Sleep Quality

Research suggests that insufficient or poor-quality sleep can negatively impact testosterone levels. Men who experience inadequate sleep tend to have lower testosterone levels compared to those who get sufficient, high-quality sleep. Focus on your sleep the way you focus on your diet and workout.

4: Supplements

If bodybuilders and fitness athletes can use testosterone-boosting supplements, why can’t you?

Combining the best testosterone-boosting supplement may help you in getting an instant boost to enhance t-leevls naturally.

If you’re looking for a potent testosterone booster, we suggest you have a look over the positive CrazyBulk Testol 140user review. It is one of the best t-boosting supplements available in the market. 

Testol 140 by Crazybulk is a safe and legal alternative to Testolone RAD 140. It’s an effective way to enhance the testosterone levels naturally. As per a trusted user, Testol 140 Crazybulk review, it helped a lot of users to promote faster recovery after strenuous workouts. 

Furthermore avoiding testosterone-killing foods and estrogen chemicals is also important to keep your T levels in check.



By analyzing the overall facts testosterone-boosting foods do increase your T level. All the above-mentioned foods are backed by science and are free from any serious side effects.

Further mentioned, there are some other easy ways to keep testosterone levels in check.

By combining these foods and tips to your daily routine you will be able to get back to your old young self. It will make you feel physically more energetic and mentally happier and calmer.

Hope you find this blog informative, share it with those gym buddies to help enhance testosterone levels in men.

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Alex C Abell
He is an innovative fitness training service provider inspiring people to create lives that are Healthy, Empowered, and Strong. He like to coach, lead, teach and work within a team that inspires action. Currently employed with the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury as a Gym Coach. Get Me on Social Channels: About Me | Instagram | Quora

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